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Everything posted by TK381

  1. I would use a EU reader, more info on that here. http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/EU-Reader
  2. Now before I get my head bit off, I want to say something. I truly don't know if tekkit is going to be ANYTHING like this version of tekkit in the next update, I have a feeling it is going to be a rough transistion over. If it all goes horribly wrong I may just stay on 1.2.5, so now forge and bukkit are not compatible anymore, this really sucks :C
  3. Well, should I use a mining drill with a batpack which means I have to sacrifice a chestplate armor slot, or a ruby/emerald/saphire pickaxe with covalence dust? 1 iron ingot and 1 redstone make 40 covalence dust which means the pick can be repaired aprox 13 times, Should I use a mining drill or a pickaxe?
  4. If you are not Operator/op you need to go into console and type op <yournamehere>. I am sorry if this did not help but it was a little hard to understand your question, so hope this helps ;)
  5. Well I was wondering, what happens if a mod like lets say uh, I don't know, nether ores or power converters, the original developer doesn't update it? Do they have someone else update it, or do they just cut it from the modpack all together? I really don't want to see any mods go :(
  6. I wanted to start using engine generators, but theres only 6 faces on a engine generator, one of which has to have the wire/cable/batbox/w\e, and with a HV engine generator is EU cap is 510 eu/t Of course your going to have to use conductive piping for this, my problem is, when I use conductive piping even when its like 2 blocks away, I get a GIANT eu loss, I will show you what I mean. This is without conductive pipes: http://puu.sh/1er8G This is how much energy I get without conductive pipes directly to the engine generator with a single piece of coal: http://puu.sh/1ercw Now for the conductive piping setup: http://puu.sh/1erdw This gives me a ENORMOUS energy loss and I cannot figure out why or what im supposed to do, im using wooden conductive and golden conductive in that image This is the ammount of energy a single piece of coal gives: http://puu.sh/1erfG I cannot for the life of me figure out what im supposed to do, can anyone tell me whats going on and if theres a way to fix it?
  7. I know this is tekkit SMP, but I do not see a tekkit SSP..... Either way, I have been trying to do a ender chest geothermal setup from the nether with deployers and filters and ender chests, I have placed every single type of world anchor I can find, dimensional, world anchor, and teleport tethers yet when I leave the nether, it remains unloaded, and the items in the ender chest just don't appear, can someone help with this? Is there a way to fix this?
  8. But is it reasonable to allow them to convert tin into iron? Why wouldn't they make two different buckets, tin buckets and buckets, or tin buckets and iron buckets? My question was never answered, is this a unintended side effect or no?
  9. Well, I was just wondering in tekkit, was tin to iron conversion using tin to make buckets then in a alloy furnace a unintended effect, or did they purposefully do this, and is it going to be removed in the next update?
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