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Everything posted by LVminecraft

  1. But RS-Latches have nothing to do with computers... BtW: Which exploit do you mean exactly?
  2. Hey Guys, I would really love to update my world form Technic 1.2.5 to the new TekkitLite. I've added some more mods to TekkitLite and used for compatibly reasons IDresolver, which might have screwed the IDs up more. You can see my IDResolverknownIDs.properties here: http://pastebin.com/hnu2ni4E I have tried to simply put them in the save-Folder, how it was recomended in some posts on other Forums, but then every block from Technic simply gets deleted. I also tried this and also this, but when I load my converted world i get this Error: http://pastebin.com/L6zRGEQm I have used this custom Patchfile: http://pastebin.com/6RrkPvVe to convert it. You can download my old and my converted world here. Does anybody have another Idea?
  3. Does this work to convert Technic worlds to TekkitLite too?
  4. Thanks a lot. I hope that openCCsensors will be added to technic/the new tekkit lite, too.
  5. Okay, thanks for the quick answers. Could you also help me with my last question: "Is there some Alternative of ccSensors (not updated since 1.2.5)"?
  6. Hello guys, Just a quick question: Why are Railcraft, Thaumcraft and MoCreatures actually missing? Are there plans to add them back in later? Is there some Alternative of ccSensors (not updated since 1.2.5)? I hope you can help me.
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