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Everything posted by dylan_frenette

  1. Server Rules: Griefing is Semi-Optional, only if both parties agree on " War " PVP Is also optional, use /pvp to toggle it on and off. Respect ALL players and staff, no matter what the circumstances. NO duping or abusing exploits. Server IP: solario.g.akliz.net Items Banned: Catalytic Lens Infernal Armor Abyss Helmet Red Matter Furnace Cannon Nova Catalyst Nova Cataclysm Dimensional Anchor Tank Cart World Anchor Anchor Cart Feed Station Dark Matter Pedestal Plugins List: Announcer CoreProtect Enjin Minecraft Plugin Essentials Groupmanager Tekkit Customizer IcePVPControl Spectate World Edit Vault Chestshop CraftConomy More Info: Server Website: Http://www.Solario.enjin.com Staff Application: http://Tinyurl.com/SolarioStaffapp Trusted Application: http://Tinyurl.com/SolarioTrustedapp We are a small server ( currently ) looking to expand. looking for mature members who like to have fun!
  2. IGN: dylan_frenette Age : 13 Reason for joining: looking for a tekkit server that doesnt have much disabled, and has a good comunity Have you read the rules: yes and i understnad that if they are broken that i will be the one getting banned. Tekkit experience: 2 and 1/2 months, i understand lot of it but a few things im clueless on
  3. IGN: dylan_frenette Reason for wanting to become a member?: im just looking for a server with a mature community and a place where i can grow and you tekkit to its limits. Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: yes, everyone has to abide by them to have a good time anyway, so yes.
  4. wonder if blue potato's are tasty...... we shall see.

  5. i hope to see this server grow and prosper. it seems to be the best looking and best setup server compared to others. i understand that my application was not excepted, and im ok with that. but if you ever change your mind, ill be there.
  6. forgive and forget. i almost always do. ( the almost is for when i have been mod and admin on vanilla MC servers and banned people for breaking rules. that is un-forgivable )
  7. i didnt say you lied. i said i wish i had. this is the 2nd time i have said my real age. gets me no where :(
  8. if you ever decide to recruit people younger than 16 contact me ;)
  9. Your exact user-name as it appears in game| dylan_frenette A short description of why you wish to join | was referred here by someone else. hope to make this an enjoyable time. Your biome preference (forest, grassland, desert, tundra, jungle) | a mix of all is possible. ( i tend to find the best places ) Your terrian preference (mountain, flat, mixed) | mixed Access to water (coastline, river, lake, none) | coastline/lake dont mind a river though
  10. thats fine then. ill just search the forums for another 2 hours. any other servers you would recommend that would some how compare with this one?
  11. love the profile pic.

  12. Your In Game Name: dylan_frenette Your Age: 13 (mature) How often are you planning on playing: ( weekdays 1-5 hours ) ( weekends almost all day ) For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: im good at modern houses as all that follows For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: anything and everything. For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: hopefully going to become my favorite tekkit server. best I've found in the forums and i cant wait to join. Additional Comments: im eating cake right now actually :D
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