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Posts posted by lukeb28

  1. Hey Luke,.. can you please tell me if the ID dump thread is replaced or somethig becose the link goes dead!

    Prehaps you can type it out, like it was before as I remember correct, how I can change the id's becose I'm having that problem right now!


    Really love your thread by the way, learned alot from it!


    The link had been to give credit, all the information is actually on that post. It is disappointing to see the credit has been lost though. 

  2. Okay, where's the DL list? Or perhaps I should just make my own. I think I only need Forge Mod Loader, but I'm not positive.

    I think you might be right about what the problem is. Hopefully I can figure out how to fix it.

    Hey, speaking of that portion of the Forge Mod Loader log, what is Buildcraft silicon? Is that anything like a substitute for Redpower 2's logic gates? I need one, seeing as Redpower is so much outdated (real life seems to have killed it by overloading Eloraam with work).

    It's on the first page. Look at the table of contents.


    As for the buildcraft thing, as far as I understand buildcraft is actually several mods that work in unison. Silicon is the part that handles the logic gates. If you would like to know more, the wiki would have much more information on the topic.

  3. That's what I thought, but then I added PowerCrystalCore 1.1.7 to the zip file on my dropbox that is referenced on my modpack's Technic Platform database entry, changed the version number on said database entry, downloaded the update to the pack Technic Launcher, and still got an error from FML asking for PowerCrystalCore 1.1.7.

    Maybe you can figure out what the hell is going on? Here's the FML log for the most recent session. I had to put it on pastebin because apparently a 2000 line post is too much, even with code tags (which I tried).

    Looking at it, I'm seeing a lot of 

    	2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    	2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    	2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    	2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
    	2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well

    Its not just Buildcraft, its doing that for all of them. Seeing as it's doing it for all of them, I would imagine it's something to do with your modpack.jar. Try building your own or taking it from the DL list and replace the current one.

  4. How can it be a mismatch? I downloaded the version of PowerCrystalCore that it requested.

    I think the only PowerCrystals mod I have is Mine Factory Reloaded, but I might be wrong.

    Could you please clarify the process for updating a pack? I think I'm probably doing it wrong since I added the version it asked for but it's still telling me I don't have that version.

    If its not that we'll start at square one. I'll need the FML report to get started

  5. Yes, I still have my problem. That's why I made a post requesting help for it. My apologies for not making that clear.

    Rereading it I see what you mean. The original pack probably used an older version of powercrystals hence the mods that depend upon the core do not match it and crash the game. You will have to ether find the correct version or change all of them to be the same. If you go with the later, you could update them all to the latest version for your version of minecraft and it should work out. Just make sure to remove all of the original powercrystal mods before hand and check the pack works before adding the newer versions.



    The specific one I'd like to use is from the news post:


    "A new optional 'javaArguments' field has been added to our object model of the version.json file. This new field is a text string in which modpack authors can add java runtime arguments to add to their pack startup command. Please remember that the edited version.json file needs to be inside the root of modpack.jar."


    if you can figure this out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    I'm going to look into that.

  6. Hey there Luke.

    Thanks for the guide, it has served me well, and I'd imagine quite a few others as well.


    With #411, they added the ability to put in java arguments into the version.json which is really really nice.


    My next question then, it what is the proper method of adding this field to the json file, without hosing the rest of it?  It would appear to me that some of the bits of information are automatically generated when technic does... whatever it does, with the modpack file -- and I'm not sure how one edits this file without hosing the whole thing.


    I really do appreciate the guide, and thank you for the time in making it, and hopefully updating it to reflect how to properly include the java argument value to our packs.

    My apology's but this is outside my expertise. I don't know much about json. However I will look into it and see what I can do.

    Edit: What field are you talking about?



    (Please note: I did not follow this guide to make my pack so it might be a bit difficult to help me. I did manage to get it to FML's loading screen and what you describe in your guide looks a lot like what I did.)

    in my initial build, I failed to include PowerCrystalCore (1.1.7) with Mine Factory Reloaded. FML called me on it, so I added it to the zip file in my dropbox folder that the link on my pack page leads to. I also made sure to change my pack version so that it pushed an update. I launch the pack, updated it, and I still get the error. Does anyone know what's going on here?


    What I did do to build my pack was take a pack (Go for Launch, a pack designed for secondarygaming.enjin.com's server) I knew had almost all the mods I liked, remove the ones I don't like, and zip whatever's left. I guess in the process of that I removed PowerCrystalCore.

    So do you still have your problem then or has adding PoweCrystalCore fixed that?

  7. Also, I have the title "advanced member". I thought you guys were against titles? I wouldn't mind it if it was removed, titles are silly and should only be reserved for admins, moderators and mod devs

    I think its fine as long as things don't go past "Member" and "Regular Member" although "Advanced" seems a little unnecessary. Why are we advanced? Are we somehow better than the others? I think "Regular" would be better just for that reason.


    Anyways I like the matching look. The signature is also nice, I just hope people don't go crazy with it like a certain someone did... I'd be bad if everyone did something like that.

  8. Full career mode will change a lot.

    I assume they're giving resources a price, and that will determine whether shipping and processing EPL ore/metal/parts and building a ship in orbit is cheaper than a KSC launch of the same ship.

    I do hope they add resource buying/selling and storage at KSC, with recovery of a ship adding the resources to the storage. It would give mods the ability to add commercial exploitation of offworld resources and allow frugal players to maximize their cash reserves with recycle friendly vessel designs (less castoff, more efficient fuel usage, ect...).

    Thats when I'll get really into KSP again!

  9. Well sure, but cutting your launch trips from KSC down to supply runs to low orbit is nice. Plus an orbital construction yard is just cool.

    Theres cool factor, then how expensive it gets. Once career is implemented...

  10. Nice. Now work on getting multiple satellites up in a coverage cluster.

    Ugh I need more memory.

    B9, KW, FAR and deadly reentry together total almost 400meg of files, which is not much less than the 650meg all the other mod parts take up already. I don't know if I can add them.

    Whats needed is a 64bit version of KSP. Thats my current limitation.

  11. And going too far under 200m/s under 10km is wasteful due to friction losses. :P

    It's funny like that.

    But don't go over 200. It's the worst kind of friction loss between the two.

    Also, for a stable 80 km orbit, you need about 4600dV. TWR can vary. Momentum helps a lot when you're in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, so a TWR that starts just under 1 for your orbiting stage won't hurt you too bad.

    And in outer space, TWR is barely relevant. There, your efficiency matters a lot more.

    I'm burning for Jool right now with only 1.37 m/s, with an isp of 155 000... Interstellar is so much fun!

  12. Stable 50km? Never. Atmosphere ends at about 70km. That's the minimum for a stable orbit.

    To get into orbit, fly up to about 10km straight then start slowly turning right (about 1 degree every few seconds). Then go into your map view and continue to boost until your apoapsis is at your orbit height (At least 70km). Then cut power and turn your ship parallel to the ground and wait until your at the apoapsis then burn prograde. Cut the throttle once your periapsis matches your apoapsis. Your in orbit!!!!

  13. Remember to uncheck the load Sentar expansion box. Remember to delete the Abaddon folder before updating the mod. The old textures are probably still in there.

    I did and and I just got the pack new last night.

  14. I can run it with KSP interstellar and Final Frontier. Download the latest version. I optimized it and removed redundant textures.

    Remember to uncheck "load Sentar expansion" when the game boots. I just patched it so that you don't need any of Krag's planets to run the pack.

    No science at the moment, as I am still placing in messages.

    Also! My pack now has more planets than vanilla KSP! Hooray!

    I did have the latest... Am I doing something wrong then?

  15. That is what I have needed. Does it incorporate science? Doesn't say in the OP.

    Recently gotten back into KSP. This is what I'm doing in creative right now :)


    Microwave power FTW

    Edit: Porry, your pack is breaking my beast of a computer, are there any incompatibility issues with other mods?

    Edit2: Here's the error if that helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/px2pk9fw4zfjaa8/KSP Derp.zip

    Edit3: Not enough memory, guess I'm playing with too many mods. :(

    Edit4: I can only run your pack with no other mods...

  16. My 'tekkit' couldn't even start... I needed to delete generally every mod pack game folder to get it to work -.-

    Your doing it all wrong... You have ducks in your computer!! The evil Gandolf the Duck bringer has judged you to be unworthy! The only way to fix this is to do the Rain Dance of Galgador to summon the Great Wizard of Ducking from the mountains of Mordor. Make sure the halfway into the dance you yell out the number 42 otherwise the sadistic Marven will show up in his place to make you feel miserable with his mind the size of a planet. The Great Wizard of Ducking specializes in the removal of ducks from your computer. He should call down a great storm that wakes the god Zeus to hurl lightning bolts at your computer. These will in turn fry those little guys to a crispy meal! Before you do this however, you must affix a coat hanger in the shape of an '@' symbol and plug it into one of your USB ports. This makes an excellent target for Zeus and will give him a direct line into the computer.

  17. Hi there, I'm having a problem with my modpack, and was hoping you could chip in with some advice.

    Here's the pack, http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/blebscraft, and the zip itself is downloaded from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52005784/blebscraft.zip

    What's happening, as you'll likely see, is that it's successfully finding and downloading the file, and unzipping most of it, but eventually it throws an error about not being able to parse an element.

    Could you provide the FML error log?

  18. Okay, so, I solved my problem, and maybe other people might be having the same one. I was using the mod Plunder Rummage in my modpack, which apparently needs the creator's permission to be included, because if you don't have his permission, it's actually rigged to not let the game open. Anyone else who can't get a modpack to open, if you're including this mod, either delete it or get his permission.

    I didn't give a shit about modder permissions because the pack I am making is for me and one or two other people to play, not to be posted publicly, but that's a discussion for another thread (that I won't be starting because I don't care). Hope this will help anyone else!

    Problem no more!


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