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Posts posted by lukeb28

  1. A cold arctic wind swept the bare tundra, kicking up dust devils of snow and filling the air with a white haze. This land was the closest, yet furthest thing to Hell on Earth.

    In the distance, a figure could be seen trudging through the knee deep snow. The wind licked at the figure, pelting it with snow and ice. At a distance, it was hard to make out where the figure was headed, but when observed more closely, it was clear that it was moving with purpose. But what was this purpose? After a few more steps, the figure stopped and looked around itself, checking to make sure it had not been followed. It raised an arm, sheathed in a thin parka. The hand of the individual could now be seen as the sleeve was pulled towards its shoulder with the slow movement.

    The hand gleamed and hinted sharpness at its tips. It had a look that spoke command and leadership. The slight dents and furrows of charging into battle, and of lives ended at its grasp. It gleamed with the polish of victory. It was not a hand of kindness and mercy, it was a hand of war, death, and destruction. Yet it moved with a delicate grace, the uncurling of its fingers was slow and precise, hinting deliberation in all its actions. This was not a hand one dared not trifle with.

    The now outstretched hand was palm up, as if waiting for something to be given to it. It was easy to imagine God himself coming down from the heavens to give something to the powerful figure. Somehow, this did not occur and the figure remained alone.

    After a time, the fingers of the hand curled back slowly with deliberation as if closing on a small, valuable object. It then brought the imaginary object towards its chest. As the hand touched the figures chest, the wind died down, and the snow devils settled. It was as if the world held its breath in anticipation of the figure's next action.

    "Sempre, vigile." The figure boomed, its voice artificially enhanced to sound godlike. The cold, still air allowed the voice to carry for a vast distance. Anyone who could have heard it would have heard it as the voice of God himself.

    When the distant echos finally subsided, the figure stepped forward, and vanished into the cold thin air. The wind then picked back up, pushing snow up into a blizzard once more. Mother Nature had heeded to honor this individual, but moved back at if nothing had happened at all.

  2. With a lot of the regulars here, there are several fictions and creative short stories that go on between members. Many of these are comedic, but the characters always maintain their persona. Now my question is, what is your persona? Who is your fictional character in which you help to shape the fiction that is the online world. I'm not asking for a "Oh I'm a funny guy." I am looking for a creation story. Something that shows who your character is, not just saying it aloud.

    Lets be creative and have some fun here! Who are you Technic?

  3. Okay, so, I solved my problem, and maybe other people might be having the same one. I was using the mod Plunder Rummage in my modpack, which apparently needs the creator's permission to be included, because if you don't have his permission, it's actually rigged to not let the game open. Anyone else who can't get a modpack to open, if you're including this mod, either delete it or get his permission.

    I didn't give a shit about modder permissions because the pack I am making is for me and one or two other people to play, not to be posted publicly, but that's a discussion for another thread (that I won't be starting because I don't care). Hope this will help anyone else!

    Force a directory change. If that doesn't work please post back, that would be some very invasive software if it still doesn't.

    You sir are a god amongst men. I have a not so great computer but love modded Minecraft and it's hard to find a pack that has all the things I want without being to much of a strain on my computer. Thanks to your extremely detailed and easy to follow guide I was able to make a pack today that has exactly what I want and nothing extra that runs smoothly. Very well done.

    You are most certainly welcome! Enjoy your pack!

    Holy crap! Plunder Rummage actually has that code! Seriously, what levels has this community sunk to when a modder does that shit? He's even worse than some other modders I could mention but won't because it could be construed as a personal attack.....

    If a directory change still causes it to crash then it could be malware and should be trod carefully. Who know what else he has done to get back at us "evil doers".

  4. When I try to launch/download my modpack, it says has an error opening a .zip file. For me, there were some steps that were hard to understand, such as the last one to host it, where it says to select the bin, config, coremods and mods folders and archive them in "custompack/mods/" <--- the part i did not understand.

    You need to highlight the folders bin, mods, coremods, and configs; then right click on them and select "add to archive".

    I thought the creator of Optifine said that they do not want their mod in modpacks anymore.

    Because I don't care.

    Literally, I. do. not. care.

    If you care to know why then check out the last PAINS fight.

  5. I give up, I'll just keep future updates of my mods private for my own servers use instead. If this is how the technic community really feels then I have no reason to release my mods anymore. I make mods so people can enjoy them and all I ask is a little credit; if a load of people are simply gonna shout me down over the internet when I ask for that, then I give up.

    So, you are giving up making public releases due to one community making you feel butt hurt? There are more modded players than the Technic community. FTB is a large part of the modding scene as well. Not to mention that both Technic and FTB combined are dwarfed by the size of the players who play modded but not with packs. You are stopping because you don't like maybe 20% (Not a real number, just a guess) of the whole modded community, and causing 100% of it to lose your mod.

    Bravo. Your mod might not be on ForgeCraft but a mod is a mod and taking it down for a bit of butt hurt is saddening. I hate seeing people getting turned away for something so petty as this.

    Ah well, twas' a funny read to see one lose it on us again. :twisted:

  6. to request those illegit modpacks to be removed.

    There is no such thing as an "illegit modpack" (I am assuming you mean illegal) as mods them self's cannot be legally copyrighted due to the fact they are an add-on to copyrighted code (Minecraft). You can put whatever "legal information" you want on your forum post, its not legitimate and does not hold up in court. (I do believe that Covert Jaguar, author of Railcraft, tried and failed miserably)

    This isn't me trying to be unfair; quite the opposite. If someone asks permission to use my mods, I'll always say yes - but when they don't bother it's a total slap in the face. I currently blanket deny Technic requests purely because of the fact I can't do anything about it if they don't ask me.

    So you blanket deny Technic, despite you saying that you'll "always say yes". That's a great way of getting a handle on people who use the Technic platform who want to use your mod in their modpack. [/sarcasm] If people cannot get your permission due to a blanket deny then why would they bother with asking? Also, why are you doing that? If I had a mod I would want it on as many packs as possible as the more packs that use it, the more attention the mod will get.

    I believe the button would be especially useful when people do things like THIS:


    The guy is claiming he made the mod (despite it having my name in), my mod is the only thing there, and from the comments it doesn't even work. All that does is gives me a bad name...

    I do agree with you here. Making a pack with a mod you don't have permission for is one thing, but saying the mod is your own? That is ridiculous and agree that it should be taken down just for that one reason. Still though, it is not illegal due to the same argument I made before.

    So, it's a simple request really. I'd even put my name forward and volunteer to moderate the requests if that's an issue...

    Being a mod here is a very prestigious thing. They don't take applications, they make selections.

    Why is it so hard for you to take 15 seconds to send us a PM and ask for permission to use it? It makes us happy, but you just ripping off our work makes us not want to do it anymore. I know of modders who have stopped their mods due to excessive piracy- let's not let that happen again eh?

    It's not hard, it's just that many people don't care. It might make you happy but for those of us who make large modpacks (Many of mine are 80+) it becomes a nightmare getting to every single modder to ask/thank them for their mod. Many times it's not 15 seconds as they want a full list of all the mods you have, proof that you have permission for the rest of them (which can turn into a catch 22), etc. It's a burden that many do not have the time or patience for.

    To finish off this post:

    I'd love to see a "Report Modpack" button

    A good idea if implemented well and the moderators are willing. That might not be the case however judging by Cheap Shot's posts in this thread: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/unfair-server-lists.55746

    I'm sorry if I caused any butt hurt but as a mod packer myself I get very annoyed when I make a pack and the author wants us to jump through flaming hoops backwards on a unicycle, when all we are doing is increasing their exposure.

  7. My apologies, I have neglected the update myself.


    I'd ask there forums, but otherwise,

    Reasons Quantized Teleportation could fail

    • The qC / pylon matrix dimensions don’t exactly match at origin and destination
    • There is no room for quantized blocks at destination. (e.g. trying to move a tall tower to a mountaintop near the height limit of the world)
    • Destination is abutting water or lava that could flow in and damage structures
    • Source / destination contains blocks with extra info that would be lost in the transfer (e.g. blocks from other mods with unusual data storage methods)

    I think he means the newest portal construct. (The one that can teleport players)

  8. I've been trying to make a modpack for 1.6.4, and just downloading the latest forge universal (for 1.6.4 of course) and renaming it modpack.jar hasn't been working. So I used the 1.6.4 one listed here, and my modpack loads up and then tells me that "Forge minimum version required is" and then... it goes to the title screen with no problem. Until I close the game and launch it again, at which point it gets stuck on the "Minimum version required is..." screen. Obviously, one or more of my mods needs the newer Forge version. But just downloading the Forge universal file and renaming it isn't working, I have never seen the title screen with it. It'll just linger on the Mojang screen and then close back to the Technic launcher. What did you do to these that makes them work right? I followed the instructions over and over to make sure I got it right. Downloaded the Forge jar and renamed it, then made folders for my mods and configs, and ZIPed it, hosted it on dropbox, downloaded it via Technic... it's driving me crazy. How did you make these files? I'm not gonna ask you to make ones for the new version of Forge, I want to be able to do it myself.


    You cannot just rename it. It must be repacked.

  9. *Applauds*

    That is one of the most clear explanation of any of the rules I have seen on these forums Byte. I am impressed.

    ok, but did u change mny profile pic?

    Your profile picture was changed as you accumulated too many warning points (I think it's three to get kellered(Baby faced)). That would not have happened by one necro thread so you must have had other warnings.

    Once you have a warning point it will count down 30 days before expiring. That means that if you got your first warning point 20 days ago, it will go away in ten days as then your total count of points would drop below 3. If you have more than three (Something you cannot see but if you PM a moderator and ask very nicely, they may tell you how many you have and when they will expire) then it may take longer. The rule of thumb is that as long as you don't do anything too stupid, 30 days from the last warning point you got within the past 30 days.

    Past the Baby face, which is designed as a deterrent of bad behavior, there is a temp ban at 5 points which I forget how long it lasts, then a full ban at a 7(??) points. Try not to get any more if you intend on staying.

  10. How about 1.6?

    As far as I can tell from the last Modpack I made, the only thing that has changed is the lack of need for a coremods folder. Everything else is still the same.

    Doesn't work for me, like everything else on this cum-puter. I F*cking hate it.

    At this time, I have like 14 modpack folders in my resycle bin that I attempted to make.

    The relevance of your post eludes me, please describe better what your problem is.

    Okay so i am getting a error where it cant open the zip properly even though it downloads it . please help me .
    You may have saved the file as a .rar in stead of a .zip. make sure you have the compression set correctly or it will not work.
  11. -snip-

    Alright guys look, I would love to be making everyone's perfect modpack and spreading the joy of it to everyone, I really would. The problem I have though is this is my grade 12 year in high school and I just don't have the time anymore. Maybe someone will pick up the torch but for now no one is doing this anymore.

    I urge everyone to take a look at my modpacking guide and try to do it themselves. I do have time to help with troubleshooting but not to make them anymore.


  12. No idea either. Maybe something to do with corporation tax rates? Anyways, I put up an advert for the Kitty Jail Crew. Just search the name and put in an application. It expires in 15 hours so you ought to move fast.

  13. Hello my fellow Tekkiters and welcome to EVE online! This started out in Kitty Jail and I'm expanding it out here so we can have a dedicated thread for it as appose to the off topic chaos known in the Jail.

    What is EVE online? Well it's only the biggest player controlled MMO out there! Everything from the politics to the market prices are fully player controlled. EVE goes as far to say that every ship that is not a rookie one is player built.

    You are who you make your self in this universe. If you like playing the market then you can accumulate the wealth of empires. If you are ambitious you can become the most prosperous privateer. If you are a leader, you can wage war in a galactic scale with army's of other players.

    Now, there is a monthly subscription, but at the same time there is not. Players of immense skill and wealth can buy the monthly subscription with In Game Cash.

    That is why I come here to spread the word. As I type, I am assembling a Corporation so we may form a supply line to roll in the cash we crave. The more players we have, the bigger the set up we can form and the larger the profit! Right now it is likely everyone will need to buy at least one months subscription before we can get going but past that we should be able to pay our own way.

    Come one come all! Lets all take this New Eden for our own!

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