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About Asteroids

  • Birthday 05/04/1995

Asteroids's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Minecraft Name: Asteroids Do you have any bans on record? Nope. I'm an EE fanatic, so I'll be having alot of fun on this server.~
  2. Minecraft name: Asteroids Preffered mod:EE, love magic things Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? Nope, never. owo Age: 17
  3. IGN Asteroids Age 17 Reason for joining Looking for a good EE server. D: Have you read the rules Aye sir! Tekkit experience Been playing for 2 weeks now..
  4. IGN: Asteroids Age: 17 Country/Timezome:GMT+1 Experience: Just started playing Tekkit and getting into EE. Reason for Joining: It's hard to find a small, EE Enabled server, imo. Have I read the rules? Aye sir! How long have I played tekkit? 2 weeks now.. What do I feel I can contribute? I can help people start with EE as well. Time I can contribute to the server: Depends what week it is, how I feel, etcetera, can't really give a good indication, sorry.
  5. Your In Game Name: Asteroids Your Age:17 How often are you planning on playing:Whenever I can o-o For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:To learn and gain experience on EE For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you:Looking for a small, whitelisted server, out of experience from my main vanilla server, those are the best ones. Additional Comments: Read over that you have to be 18+ to be whitelisted on this server, just wanted to add that I don't act my age and actually am mature.
  6. InGameName: Asteroids About me: Getting a bit bored of Vanilla MC, so trying to go alchemist/mage with EE in Tekki (Just starting though) Location: I'm from the Netherlands which is GMT+ Why Tekkitia?: My homeserver for Vanilla has a whitelisted Tekkit server, but they're removing it due to lack of popularity, it's a loss, but I can find a new server Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Kind of weird if you don't.
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