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Everything posted by Axle

  1. Well... since this is the 'Tekkit Classic' forum... it already has forgebukkit on it... so installing yet another bukkit port on your server would do absolutely nothing.
  2. All of those commands belong to Essentials... if you want plugins, try looking up bukkit dev or Curse.com
  3. Well, just from a look at the Error, it appears you have a wrong character somewhere in your Permission file... PEX is insanely picky and even a space will cause it to break and produce such an error. My recommendation is to open the permission.yml file with Notepad++ and go through it with a finely tipped comb, as the saying goes. Looking for any spaces or characters that shouldn't be there...
  4. Actually... the launch.bat has a pause in it for when you shut down the server, so what it sounds like is happening, the launch.bat is unable to locate the jar file indicated in it (This can be discovered by editing the .bat file with notepad or notepadd++) If it is an unedited launch.bat, it will be looking for Tekkit.jar. As for you unable to connect to the server besides being on one of the two computers, sounds like port 25565 was not forwarded through the router.
  5. If you are good at configuring plugins and know EXACTLY what plugins can prevent particular griefings, you can reduce the number of banned items. Such as you can use griefprevention, and as long as an area is claimed, TNT and such will not destroy the claims contents. Items that are banned for causing lag... well, you can be sneaky with those ones... such as the Chunk Loaders, you can disable what they do in the config files and allow people to build them... They won't do anything but people will still build them if they know they can, but don't know they don't work.
  6. Did you forward port 25565 on your router?
  7. I notice that in some of the permissions you have two hyphens '-' From my experience of pex, it does not like that too much lol, also that bukkit.command.plugins has an additional space, soemthing else PEX doesnt like. - -dynmap.* - -bukkit.command.plugins - -bukkit.command.version
  8. Axle


    Another feature of PEX is that you can assign global permissions alongside world permissions. So the example would be: groups: example: default: true prefix: '(Example)' permissions: - tekkitcustomizer.27526.0.use worlds: WORLDNAME: permissions: - tekkitcustomizer.27526.0.use It could save you some work if you want an item banned on all worlds, or wanted to configure the permissions for other plugins.
  9. Axle


    Install tekkitcustomizer, add everything to the banned items in it, than edit your permissions file to have separate permissions per world. You would then need to add the tekkitcustomizer permission to each world for the items you want to allow in that world -On a side note, no matter how you do this, Alchemical bags are your enemy. They allow transfer of items between the worlds because Multiverse-Inventories does not regulate it.
  10. Oh, easy answer than... based on that log entry, you have the wrong version. It says you are running Essentals 2.10, which is for minecraft 1.4.7, you need 2.9.2. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/essentials/files/150-essentials-2-9-2/
  11. Ahh people who troll... The Owner of our server, Taut, is one of the friendliest people on this planet... sometimes too friendly lol If you are going to try and ruin a server's rep, don't have 'troll' in your name. - Looking into the matter, I see that you pretty much were making demands of Taut, impossible ones at that and becoming belligerent when you didn't get your way. So no, you weren't banned for getting on Taut's nerves, you were banned for not having patience or being civil about not getting your way. I would be happy yo unban you if you wish to talk to me, but you will need to be civil and accept I probably will not accept much input about changing how the server is run.
  12. Strange question, but do you have Essentials installed as well?
  13. Try changing the username... (Yes sounds like a stupid answer, because it is, this is a stupid question) My launcher ALWAYS has remember checked, and I always can change the user if I feel the need.
  14. Your firewall/anti virus is preventing the update as it is preventing the inbound connection. Simply temporarily disable it, say for 5 minutes and load the launcher.
  15. I am so god damn sick of this question... You are using the wrong version of client for the server. Click 'Options' and make sure the client is using the 3.1.2 version of tekkit.
  16. Actually, the plugin causing the issue is Grief Prevention. The solution to this is either everyone who has a claim needs to /trust [buildcraft] or you could simply /op [buildcraft] though obviously the latter creates an opening for griefers.
  17. Vincent... you realize Somark was joking about Tekkit itself being a plugin right? To answer your question Matt, if you download the Tekkit Server package from the main Tekkit site, it is a modified bukkit server already. It can run 99% of the plugins made, providing you use the 1.2.5 version of them.
  18. Server Developer - Kingdom of Freaks

  19. Do you like the social aspect of Minecraft but want all of the fun tekkit has to provide? Come join us! We have plenty of active friendly players and staff who are all willing to help with whatever you might need. Maybe you are sick of PvE worlds and want to play in a world you can murder your rivals! Well, with our Multiworld setup, we have two main worlds, one for PvP and one for PvE, both of which spawn all of those creatures for you to hunt when you just can't find your target. IP: Website: http://kingdomoffreakstekkit.enjin.com/ Our New Spawn Plugins: -Custom built anti griefing system using a combination of plugins. -AutoRank with several ranks for active players -DisguiseCraft Disabled things: -An assortment of items have been removed to prevent griefing -Collectors AREN'T disabled. -Explosives of all kinds are disabled. The Staff: -Tautbutterfly - Our crazy owner, she pays the bills. -KingofFreaks - Co-Owner and server namesake. -Axle - Server Developer -Lolzballs - Head Admin -Soonsy -Head Admin -Sir_Trollz_A_lot - Admin -GunRyder - Admin -KvbUnited - Moderator -BDStep11 - Moderator
  20. Well you see... it does not like the Enjin plugin... so either reinstall it (making sure it is for minecraft 1.2.5) or remove it.
  21. ... Download the Tekkit Classic server from the main page... click on the Start.bat, bam! Instant Tekkit Classic server.
  22. Stop using command book and use essentials.
  23. Could you provide a list of plugins installed on the server
  24. Yes, well I was thinking of different materials apparently... so... I got nothing on this one. If he has any plugins installed, perhaps one of them is restricting them being built.
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