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Filling buckets with water with RP2

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I had the same problem, and there are 2 good solutions.

First, op [Redpower]. because the server thinks the deployers is an actual player, all permissions apply, even bucket fillers, blockbreaker cobblegens and even frame quarries will not work until it is OPed.

Second, if you don't have the ability to op people, set up a buildcraft pump to pump water into a tank, then have the deployer fill buckets from the tank. it doesn't fill up quite as many buckets, but if you set up multiple pumps, it should work.

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It can also work with Lava and if done correctly with an automatic crafting table, you can produce lava cells, done a base in the nether just for that, and now no problem for my array of geothermal generators.

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  • 9 months later...

Make sure you did /trust [redpower] (with brackets!) or it wont work. That's all I can think of, sorry. If your desperate, backup the world, world_nether and world_end and delete the whole server, then get a new, fresh server and paste the worlds in there.

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