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I like to make spreadsheets, and apparently it's been too long since I took economics to do a semi-basic calculation of input vs. time.

Basically I wanted to make an EVE spreadsheet that could take some arbitrary numbers and calculate your rate of gathering, and output your profit per hour (along with an override column for custom numbers). I can easily find the gross numbers for this but to calculate net rate in regards to hull capacity vs # of trips... I'm fumbling and for some reason cannot seem to find the perfect formula.

What I've got now L11 / ( M11 + F11 ) * 60, or more simply:

#collected / (Timecollected + Roundtriptime) * 60

This is clearly wrong, as my denominator is much too large and I expect this to be an exponential function, and to be honest I'm just kaput on the whole thing. It's been too long since I took a math course, so I'm asking for input from you. At the very least this should give me a record of my own thinking.

The spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av8qymsPh1AOdGw4R0hXcm53czlkcHpyRFMteC13Z3c

I've thought this over multiple times, and in the effort of not misleading whoever posts I chose not to include my own ideas. They were all wrong. Looks like I'm posting them anyways.


In what are you counting the Timecollected and the Roundtriptime?? In minutes or hours? If you count it in hours, take away the *60. Then it should be right.

Also, if you have the time in hours, then do this. Instead of 00:15 hours, do 0,25 hours. Not 00:10, but 0,167.


It is all converted into minutes and per end-formula converted to hours. Also, why the commas in "0,25 hours"? Just adapting to the methods of these spreadsheets, so I don't understand what makes it different than 0.25.

Also the other formulas all work correctly still, as these numbers are based off of rudimentary inputs and function as intermediary calculations for debugging purposes (I plan on incorporating the equations into the final cell and removing the clutter from the screen later).

I'm not sure if you can see the functions, but if you'd like access to toy with it some, I'm game.

(No spoiler tags in these forums?) My current thinking on the net formula:

  • I need to use the standard Net = Gross/time formula as a base
  • (Gross rate / min) as a starting point
  • The denominator should include factors like hull size to determine the amount of trips, and distance should be calculated so that if = 0 (or actually the denominator = 1), Net = Gross...
  • If this is the case, I can add a conditional that if distance = 0, to remove the Hull Capacity from the equation and it should come out to Gross.


if time spent gathering and flying are in minutes, you'd divide by 60 for hours, not multiply. that's probably your problem. likewise if they are in seconds, divide by 60 for minutes.

if you have 120 minutes, you don't multiply it by 60 to get hours, that gets you 7200 hours, which is patently false.


if time spent gathering and flying are in minutes, you'd divide by 60 for hours, not multiply. that's probably your problem. likewise if they are in seconds, divide by 60 for minutes.

if you have 120 minutes, you don't multiply it by 60 to get hours, that gets you 7200 hours, which is patently false.

Already addressed this in the spreadsheets chat function, but the base calculations are in minutes which at the end-function are multiplied by 60 to get the amount within an hour.

Clarification: The numbers presented are items per minute, which are multiplied by a factor of 60 to get items per hour; it is not "minutes to gather 1 item".

EDIT: With freakachu present, we were able to work out something I stupidly added into my factor of time: the time actually gathering, which is very, very stupid.

Now I only need to be able to address output with the additional factor of hull size vs trips taken, to factor in the amount of time wasted...

I'm thinking taking the average amount of loads per hour, multiplying this by the time traveled, and getting this into the equation as the time used.

But what do I know? I'm fucking beat.

Current progress, which is easier than I made it:

J11 / ( K11 + (C16 * C9 ) ) * 60


Input / (Time + (Traveltime)) * 60


Testing:  =(J9 / ( K9 + (C16 * C22) * (60 / (C15 / ( J9 / K9) / 60)))) * 60


(Input / Time + (Traveltime) * (60/ (Capacity / (Inputrate) / 60)))) * 60

It looks like I got it. Thanks to Freakachu for letting me bounce ideas off of them, and feeling some of what I've been feeling lately.


Now I need to do the same equations, but utilizing an override value of Average/hr.

Was able to get an approximate value utilizing the previous code.

(B9*60) / (60 + (C14*C9) * (60 / (C13 / (B9/60))))


(Avg/hr*60) / (60 + Traveltime * (60 / (Capacity / Inputrate)))


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