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Kaker Is Awsome


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Don't bash on vanilla. It has its own charm to it. When I used to use texture packs every once and a while I would go back to the normal texture. I would be so amazed that the textures were so simple and still be so good looking. I've done the same with the Technic pack as well. You should never forget the origin of what you are using.

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Don't bash on vanilla. It has its own charm to it. When I used to use texture packs every once and a while I would go back to the normal texture. I would be so amazed that the textures were so simple and still be so good looking.

What are you talking about. The vanilla textures are hideous. It's all programmer placeholder art that they were too lazy and cheap to get someone to do finished game versions of. Most games use that kind of art while they're building it, then polish it up to look great before finishing the game. Notch just said "good enough" and pushed it out the door for minecon.

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I agree that mojang should really use it's INCREDIBLY LARGE profit to get a good and proper artists overhaul to the game, whilst they could keep it at the same resolution but just change it enough to be a non-eyesore since higher resolution might mean lagg. Also why are you only talking about Kaker, the technic is a team and not all the credit should be directed at him?.

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