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This popped up in my Facebook news feed: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150938737831137&set=a.386827286136.157232.173503606136&type=1&theater

So I went to: http://www.mojang.com/2012/06/the-weekly-chunk-office-snapshot/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_term=&utm_content=office-snapshot&utm_campaign=wall-post

And downloaded both the client and the server. A Java Exception error occurs when I try the client. The server won't let me close it now that I've tried opening it.

Since the Yogscast got me into Technic, and Technic kept me interested in Minecraft (and the modders are just plain awesome) I figured I would ask this community as to how I may get the weekly chunk to work so I can check it out :)


Are you running the downloaded jar directly? To run the snapshot, you must place the jar file you downloaded in %appdata%/.minecraft/bin. Then, run Minecraft as usual. You won't need the server anymore, the newest snapshots have an integrated server. :)


Try doing this, assuming you're using Windows:

Go into your .minecraft/bin folder, backup your old .jar (Just rename it minecraft-1.2.5 or something) then put that snapshot .jar in and make sure it's called 'minecraft.jar'. You should then just be able to run your launcher and play as normal.

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