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I must be doing something wrong. I know it's probably something extremely stupid but it was 1am last night and I'm at work now so I can't really diagnose it.


My pack straight up won't load any mods. Downloads them all to the right directory, nothing loads. No crash reports, nothing. Straight up loads vanilla Minecraft 1.7.10.


Unless it's just me (I'm running Java 8 which I hear may cause some conflicts with FML?) I'm pretty sure I've done something wrong.


Here's the pack. Any ideas?



  • Your /bin/modpack.jar is the wrong file. It should be the correct version of the Forge universal binary JAR renamed to modpack.jar.
  • HEE is not installed correctly. Open the ZIP file and follow the instructions.


As per usual, right on the ball ;)


Thanks, I'll take a look when I get back. Not sure what happened with the modpack.jar but I'll redownload it. Also thanks for the heads up on HEE. I knew I was likely to miss one mod out XD

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