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The spambot issue is getting ridiculous now.


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I haven't got a clue. Sounds fancy. So you make the spambots play golf? Yay.

In all seriousness, AdamHovorka is the modern day Gavjenks. Points to you, sir.

Edited by Dentcat
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The real problem is the accounts are actual people registering accounts manually then spamming the forums.


edit: Made some changes to the registration process that will hopefully help.

Edited by sct
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The real problem is the accounts are actual people registering accounts manually then spamming the forums.


edit: Made some changes to the registration process that will hopefully.

That's a nice touch. You might have to rotate the question every week or two if they manage to get the answer, though. 

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If worse comes to worst, there's always Discourse, by Jeff Atwood and friends (the Stack Exchange people).

(Full disclosure: I have no idea what your hosting situation is like, and if it's anything like mine this may be impossible because I've been trying to install it on and off for a couple months now, with no success. Ruby+Docker just doesn't seem to like me. However, UX-wise, Discourse is very pretty.)

Here's their perspective on spam prevention: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-about-the-spam-problem/2724/4

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