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So, the modpack can be found here.

I can get the Forge server running, my problem is just with integrating this modpack. I can't figure out what I need or do not need. I tried just merging mod folders and putting hats and customnpcs in, but still nothing. When I attempt to run the forge.jar after moving any of the mods in, it just doesn't launch at all. I figured maybe it was because some of the mods were client-side only? But when I removed the ones I thought were only needed client-side, it still didn't change anything. 

Any help would be appreciated!


So, I finally got the server to start, but was having exceptions in the chisel mods. The server was "unable to lookup" all types of chisels, so I removed them. Now I am getting this error while the server seems to be loading the world. Any idea what could be causing this? It doesn't really say what mod is causing the crash, as far as I can tell anyways.

  • Discord Moderator
  • This means you have a client only (or poorly coded SMP) mod: (I suspect HoloInventory)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/WorldClient
  • You have a recent version of Forge but ancient versions of some mods. You need to update your mods to their newest versions. At a glance: CodeChickenCore, iChunUtil, MineTweaker, TreeCapitator, Waila

Address these issues and come back here if you are still having troubles.

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