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Made a custom modpack - loads but comes up as vanilla


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i am making a custom modpack for some of my friends, and i have done all the steps, Made a modpack folder, made a bin and mods folder within that folder, added my mods to the mods folder, and added forge to the bin folder ,and also renamed forge to modpack. i then compressed it and uploaded it to copy.com, and then made it public, etc. but when i load the modpack on the launcher, it comes up with vanilla minecraft. help? (Link to download the files--> https://copy.com/hR6ZJKOarPGDPDlf/modpack.zip?download=1 ) Please help!!

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  • Discord Moderator
  • The contents of your modpack archive are in a subfolder. The required folders (bin, config, mods) must be at the top level of the folder structure inside the modpack archive.
  • You have a mod (Baubles) with a Windows version number "(1)" in the file name. This should be removed. Mods that are checked for deploading, like Baubles, must have the exact filename provided by the mod author. Remove the " (1)" form that file name.
  • bspkrsCore, Baubles, CodeChickenLib belong in the /mods/1.7.10/ folder, not /mods/.
  • Your Iron Chests mod is from an illegitimate source. Always get your mods directly from the mod authors. Replace this mod with the correct version.
  • You have OpenBlocks but not the required dependency mod OpenModsLib.
  • You should be using the 2.3.x_beta builds of EnderIO (and EnderCore).
  • Several of your mods are out of date, some fatally so. At a minimum: AE2rv2, CodeChickenCore, NEI, Galacticraft
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  • Discord Moderator
  • The same location on the Wiki which provides the download links also mentions the beta/dev builds and provides a link: http://ci.tterrag.com/job/EnderIO/
  • Directly from your log file:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: OpenModsLib not present, not yet loaded or too old (needs at least 0.7.1)
  • You seem to have found an ancient version of OpenModsLib but have the most recent OpenBlocks. Current OpenModsLib is 0.7.3.
  • You should be using the latest Chisel 2 release, not the ancient Chisel 1.
  • Your Enhanced Portals is fatally out of date. 3.0.12 is current.
  • Your Inventory Tweaks mod is from an illegitimate source.
  • Your OptiFine is fatally out of date.
  • Your Thaumic Exploration is very out of date. Where are you even finding these ancient versions of the mods? The download link for Thaumic Exploration 1.7.10 from the MCF forum has the latest build.
  • You have Tinkers' Construct but not the required dependency mod Mantle (0.3.2).
  • Your MalisisCore is fatally out of date and mismatched with MalisisDoors. Careful attention must be paid to the dates and versions of mods.

My hope is that as I make suggestions (as I did earlier in this thread) you learn a few things about the proper assembly of a pack and can then turn a critical eye at the entire contents. By the third iteration of my analysis we shouldn't be at a point where I am having to enumerate every mod and version number which needs addressed. Attention to detail is critical in this and nearly every other technical endeavor you embark upon.

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