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Do i actually need a Premiun Account?



Launcher Version: Technic Launcher

Operating System: Windows xp SP3.

Java Version: Updated to last.

Antivirus Program: NOD32

Description of Problem:

i already have everything done, but when im trying to log in it says "Your purchase a Minecraft Account to play" ?

Error Messages:

"Your purchase a Minecraft Account to play" ?

Error Log:

"Your purchase a Minecraft Account to play" ?

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10 answers to this question

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Stop being cheap, GOSH

But Seriously, don't ask a question that's been answered 10000000 times and incite the wrath of the mods and admins, and get ridiculed by everyone else

Edit: also, this isn't a bug or problem, it was purposely done by the makers of Technic pack to stop el cheapos like you from keeping playing with your cracked account

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Stop being cheap, GOSH

But Seriously, don't ask a question that's been answered 10000000 times and incite the wrath of the mods and admins, and get ridiculed by everyone else

Edit: also, this isn't a bug or problem, it was purposely done by the makers of Technic pack to stop el cheapos like you from keeping playing with your cracked account

u are so ridiculous dont u realyze im kinda new on this thing..

can u just tell me "Yes u have to buy it" instead of talking shit..

jeeezee, little kids these days..

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