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The Binding of Isaac; Poops for Everyone


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How many people play this gem of a game? I've only put 13 hours into it, unlocked all but two characters, and I feel like I haven't even begun the "true game" yet with all of the item unlocking and combinations.

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As for characters, try to unlock Cain ASAP (hold 55 coins at once in a game). While he has less health, Cain's slightly faster and stronger and gets Lucky Foot at the beginning (he also starts with 1 key instead of 1 bomb, unlike Isaac). Lucky Foot is invaluable, no negative pill effects, higher drop rate from poop and fire, and better luck with slot/fortune telling machines as well as with the 3 skulls game in the arcade. Maggie is good if you're REALLY bad about taking damage (have 6 max HP in a game to unlock) by starting with 1 extra heart and the Yum Heart item (heals 1 HP per 6 rooms completed, must be triggered by spacebar).

USE THE WIKI! If you don't know what something does, you can look it up!

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I unlocked every character, beat mom heart 9 times and it lives once, i beat Satan 3-4 times. Got the d 6 for issac which is an amazing item. I pretty much have to do challanges, find mroe items, go to sheol, and go to the catherdral and chest.

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Holy Crap Dude.

Its actually not that hard, the reason i got the sheol was because the first time i was doing the fetus challenge run. Next I was cain, had decent items but before the boss, found a secret room with the fetus in it to. For maggy i got good items. For the last one before It lives, i was doing a Samson run, but got the ank, played and won and bluebaby and beat satatan. For the it lives run, i had issac wuth brimstone, lord of the pit, epic fetus, and a few other items make for a slow attack time, but unholy amounts of damage. I also have about 50% of the achivments for the game.

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