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Rotary Macerator Completely Broken



Title: Rotary Macerator Completely Broken

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Windows 7 Proffesional 32 bit, Windows Vista 64x bit, and Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Java Version: Version 7 Update 5

Description of Problem:

The Rotary Macerator will connect to an IC2 power source and will draw the power as if it was working, but even when it has a redstone current it does not light up, the internal capacitor doesn't fill, and if you put anything in to macerate it, nothing happens.

Error Messages:


Error Log:


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8 answers to this question

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The Rotary Macerator is the more efficient version of the regular macerator, and it's behaviour used to take MV.

I'm using Tekkit 3.1.2, running on OpenJDK 1.7.0_04-b22 on FreeBSD 9.0 for a server; my client is Tekkit 3.1.2/1.2.5 on Win 7 with Java 7 (1.7.0_05-b05). I too noticed the Rotary Macerator didn't work (at least, as it had in the past) when connected to the output face of an MFE, but it didn't explode. Connecting to a batbox worked however, in my case.

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I have this exact same problem however it does not work when connected to HV MV or LV, it drains the power at a ridiculous rate however, i have all the other upgraded machines (barring extractor) and they all are working fine, this has only happened since i began going into the force field mod could this be a problem? i have 64-bit 1.7.0_05, i have refreshed the server software as well with no change

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