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Currently connecting using http://www.zend2.com/

Trying to connect using chrome, IE or firefox just shows the page loading and eventually timed out on both my laptop and pc. I have even reset my router and checked I was assigned a new ip. Just does not seem to connect.


I had a problem with a similar website quite a while ago. Said the server was down and when I moved locations to a different IP it was accessible. Change your IP maybe that will help.


I have a dynamic ip :/ and have already tried changing it (unplugging router for a few mins), My isp assigned me a new ip but same problem connecting.


I've already made a thread on it, I rang sky earlier today, they said they would attempt to find the issue and resolve is ASAP. (They did say that they couldn't find anything wrong on their end)

I assumed they had blocked it as no error occurred and the server was up and running fine. Maybe the site admins don't like Sky users? :<


I hope the admins do not hate on the humble sky ISP user lol, I will give sky a ring in the morning though, Maybe if more people get in touch with them about this they will fix it.


Its not really a problem for myself but if it is sky, I would imagine a other members may have a problem connecting. Maybe the site has employed some kind of ddos protection or something along those lines.

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