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I run minecraft with 64-bit Java JRE so that it gets all the memory it needs, however the Technic Launcher runs on Java 32-bit, that is to say that the java process that is launched is 32-bit. I would like to see it run with 64-bit. I know that there is an option to increase the amount of memory, but my options don't go above 1536 MB, which makes no sense since I have 4 GB of RAM for the computer and 1696 MB for my graphics card alone. I dont have the money to get more memory, so I need more options for memory allocation.


Uninstall all java's and reinstall java 7 64 bits. I had the same problem

You probably have still a 32 bit installation somewhere. If the uninstalling doesnt work delete the java folder in program files and program files (x86), and the reinstall java


But it shouldnt run out off memory

It used to because it would only give it a GB and a half of memory to run on, now that it runs on 4GBs >:D, I dont have to worry about the same problem anymore

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