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Market Plots!


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Hey guys,

Was wondering what your solutions to creating market plots which players can buy for money are.

The current plugins I am using are Grief Prevention and WorldGuard, in terms of regions, etc.

The way I want to have it setup is like this:


So there is one large region for spawn, the inside is the market, and inside the market are the plots.

I played around a little with SimpleRegionMarket which uses worldguard but it doesn't seem to work when I place the plots inside a larger region (spawn) that overrides anything I set to the smaller (plot) region.

Any suggestions or remedies would be great! Thanks.

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Yeah the parents are set properly, but still don't have permission to build.

Doesn't the child inherit permissions from the parent? Meaning if build = deny for spawn, then market and plotname would be build=deny too?

From what I read in the wiki, deny takes precedence over allow?

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The build flag is left default on all the regions. The steps I took when creating the regions are: (I removed the market region and just used the plots to simplify the steps to try and find the problem)

/rg define spawn

I also set a couple flags for the spawn region (mob-damage and mob-spawning).

/rg define plot1

/rg par plot1 spawn

/rg addowner plot1 xjjon88

/rg addmember plot1 xjjon88

But once I remove OP from myself, I can't build in plot1 :/

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type: cuboid

min: {x: -329.0, y: 0.0, z: 115.0}

max: {x: -82.0, y: 255.0, z: 408.0}

priority: 0

flags: {exp-drops: deny, farewell: Leaving spawn..., greeting: Welcome to the Spawn!,

mob-damage: deny, use: deny, mob-spawning: deny}

owners: {}

members: {}


type: cuboid

min: {x: -231.0, y: 71.0, z: 332.0}

max: {x: -217.0, y: 71.0, z: 346.0}

priority: 100

flags: {}


players: [oninuva]


players: [oninuva]

parent: spawn

I have a large grief prevention plot that is the same size as spawn, to prevent players from claiming in the spawn. But it is set to trust public, and is an admin plot.

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