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Crafting Wireless Redstone finished components causes "connect reset"



Title: Crafting Wireless Redstone finished components causes "connect reset"

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Windows 7 - 64 Bit

Java Version: Java 7

Description of Problem:

I can craft the Rether parts, but whenever I try to combine them into a finished reciever/transmitter/jammer/remote blah... It causes the server to boot me with a connect reset. When I log back in the ingredients are on the ground and it doesn't get built. I do not have access to the server logs at this time. As it is not my server, but as soon as my friend who hosts it is on I can post them.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

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2 answers to this question

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This can be caused by 2 reasons

1. the server doesnt have the final piece of the plugin aka the redpower plugin module but since its a tekkit server im assuming tehre is

2. A block id mismatch between server and client can cause this reason is the client request to craft a block id that does not exist on server

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