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[3.1.2]Bloodbane[24/7][Greylist][PvP] [Factions][Partially EE]


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??? Lol, what do you mean? immature? dont you think its a bit immature to just block someone without telling him the reason and all?

Do you mean i was annoying?

Or do you mean that story with the RM furnace i havent spawned?

Or do you mean something else?

Like the broken promise you gave me?

The ppl you opped, wich opped other ppl and made them "Owner"?

Ok, now i got the reason for my ban, but i told gotix to keep a eye at the reactors, and they worked well, it werent the reactors, it was something other wich caused them to explode.

Also: 90% of all stuff i had was Legit, also Gotix stuff (exept the duplicators) were legit

Or do you mean that i was a good Admin for all the players, take a look into server log,

1. You will see that i havent spawned a RM furnance

2. You will see that i was very nice to all the Players

3. You will see that your "good OPs" abuse thier power and make ppl Sad

(Ofc i dont need to say that all in forum, but you thought you need to block me everywhere)

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Hello. I'm Nemolionak3 from the server....

So, kilth, why havent you been online for so long?

Also, I started living with conor.

So, I got a story to tell you.

So, I started living with conor, as stated above. I moved my stuff to his base. The second day I log in and there is EXTREME lag. So, we tried to restart the server by crashing it...

the server was offline for 1-2 days. Then it finally got online, and I logged in. Nobody AT ALL was there. also, I spawned on top of flat terrain, which used to be conor and (probably) my base. It just dissapeared. Also, Why the heck is there No one online? seriously, people, the server is running pretty kewl, no lag. (I also figured out timers on very quick frequencies make the server very laggy.)

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