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Nuclear energy provider build contest! [Rewards]


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Welcome everybody to my nuclear reactor contest!


  • I am allowed to use your world on my server
  • You must email me your world

Things the reactor must have:

                        • Automatic shutdown
                        • Must be fully automated
                        • I must be able to control the output. So say someone pays a diamond for an MFSU full of energy, I put a wire leading to their house and then type 10000000 and the house number into a computer and it will stop sending energy at 10000000.


  • VIP on my server when it is ready
  • 5$ via PayPal

Things you will be judged on:

                        • Reactor output
                        • Design
                        • Features


Zip your world save and send it to:

[email protected]

It must be compatible with the latest version of Tekkit!

You have 2 weeks.

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Ohhh... this is very challenging but i could give it a go, im quit good with them i suppose.

i could easily do the on/off switch and the output i could use computers :)

but what kinda design you looking for has in the actuall reactor i normally make it all uranium except bottom row full of ice which is quit risky, if you reply to this i could easily do it, i think i already have a world.

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Ohhh... this is very challenging but i could give it a go, im quit good with them i suppose.

i could easily do the on/off switch and the output i could use computers :)

but what kinda design you looking for has in the actuall reactor i normally make it all uranium except bottom row full of ice which is quit risky, if you reply to this i could easily do it, i think i already have a world.

It's all up to you.

You can have as many reactors as you like and and design.

Perhaps you could make say 2 rows of ice and 2 generators.

It's all up to you though. I once saw a reactor that pumped out the empty uranium and put more in.

You could easily do that with advanced wooden pipes.

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So what you are asking for is a fully contained reactor('s) with dedicated cooling that can run uninterupted (as in auto refueling) and has the capability to output a set ammount of power?

And how meny houses are we talking here? 10? 20? more?

It could be any amount of houses.

But probably around 20.

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