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Pumps will not generate electricity



Title: Pumps will not generate electricity

Version: 3.1.2

OS: Windows 7

Java Version: 64 bit Java 1.7.0_7 from Oracle Corporation

Description of Problem:

My pumps will not generate electricity into the conductive pipes.

After extensive google research, I've tried all the following:

A) Making sure that the wooden conductive pipe is placed above the first pump

B) Placing 4 pumps in a four ring around each wooden conductive pump

C) Ensuring that, when applicable, the pump has plenty of water and oil

D) Ensuring that the end of the conductive pipe chain, beginning with wooden and following with golden pipes, has an object that needs power

E) Tried the same setup as B+D with Steam Engines

F) Tried the same setup as B+D with Redstone Engines

G) Tried the same setup as B+C+D with Combustion Engines

H) Tried placing all setups underground, aboveground, at the cloud limit, underwater, underoil, in any possible place.

I) Placed structures at the end of the conductive pipe chain that require energy to assure a complete circuit, such as a refinery, MFE, and MFSU. Not at the same time of course, but none showed any action.

If need be, I can show one my setups. I'd prefer not to give the IP out to random people to help avoid greifers, so please PM me for the IP.

Error Messages:

None, electricity is just not generated

Error Log:

13 answers to this question

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Do you mean engines? Pumps (none of them) don't create power.

You're also confusing BC power (that comes from engines) and EU power that comes from solar panels, reactors, generators etc, they are not the same thing and only power the items from the same mod. They also don't work with one another without a connecting block like an energy link

Perhaps you should post some pictures, and explain what it is you're actually trying to achieve, ie. I want to make a quarry run

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Thank you for your reply, Wendo.

I can do you one better than that... I can show you it in action.

It's a 16 minute video, but you will see exactly what I'm trying to achieve. I've spent two days on it, and it's driving me crazy. If you skip to the four minute mark, you'll see him build EXACTLY what I've done on my server.

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Well I've just built the same thing here and it works. I assume you're using an engine generator on the end to convert it into IC2 power like in that video, then you're attaching a storage device after it? Again a picture of your setup would be useful

So what actually happens (no not?). Do the engines actually start moving when you supply a redstone current? If so, do you see a green line running through the gold pipes?

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Wendo, I've tried many different variations shown in several different videos. In some of them, there is nothing on the end. In one, there is just a refinery. In another, there is an MFE with an MFSU after it. In my last test, there was just a redstone engine pointed straight up with only a wooden conductive pipe and a golden pipe after that with no end at all requiring power. All of them worked in the videos, yet NONE of them worked on mine. The pumps start working, but no lines run through the gold pipe.

I've been using switches and oil, though. I'll test it out with a redstone current now to see what happens.

Thanks again for your reply.

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If you break things down a bit... if you set up a combustion engine -> wooden conductive pipe -> golden conductive pipe -> refinery. (Apply a redstone current to turn on engine, with a bucket of oil + water)

Does the refinery run?

What if you replace the golden conductive pipe with a stone conductive pipe? Does the refinery run then?

Is this your server or someone elses? Are you using stock Tekkit? Are there any errors about block id conflicts anywhere in the logs?

The only other thought I have is maybe an id problem between the server side and the client side.

You think you have conductive pipes, but the server thinks that you're placing stone blocks or something.

Did you craft the conductive pipes yourself or did you NEI them in?

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Your post title is misleading, because you do not get electricity from "pumps" (pumps pump liquids). But you should be able to pipe electricity from conductive wood pipe at tip of engines, and then any conductive pipe from there. However, if you want to convert it to IC2 power, you need a generator. The HV generator in my case was overkill, because 4 fuel engines apparently only convert to around 46-48 EU/t. So I could feed a lot more engines into that generator.

This shows 4 combustion engines running on refined fuel (added with buckets). Power meter reading was at glass fiber cable. I am using torch on side of block to turn the engines on, and MFSU is set to emit when full to turn the engines off.

Tekkit 3.1.2 SMP, client: 64-bit Ubuntu Linux using openjdk-6

Now that I showed you on the server how to make electric pipes work with engines, something to note about your refineries blowing up is that maybe it is NOT someone griefing you. I guess it is true never to leave engines unattended while running (leaving the server or going far enough away that chunk unloads). When I went back to the server where I took the above snapshot, apparently the engines had blown up leaving a huge crater. 4 combustion engines, the generator, 4 redstone engines and 2 pumps evaporated, along with a number of tanks at the bottom of a tower of refined fuel nearby. All that was left was the MFSU, and water flowing into a big hole.

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Yes, apparently in my old age I am missing a few steps here and there=D Effland, you are awesome, and the servers are ready again. Had to disable some items people were using for griefing. Look forward to seeing you in there again!

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TheBard, apparently I was missing steps. I was watching many tutorials, none of which showed a generator anywhere in there except the last one I posted. Usually, when you apply coal to a steam engine, the videos were showing that it pumped current through the conductive pipe as long as an end was somewhere in there, such as a refinery or a teleport pipe.

What I was shown last night by effland (thank you wonderful sir!) was that by adding a LV converter, an MFE, and a batbox it would generate current. Of course, I may've gotten that wrong, so here is the SS. I'm still learning and am a complete new person to Tekkit, so in my old age it's not as easy to learn.


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