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only have 3 mods



Launcher Version: 1.3.2

Operating System: Linex/Pc or whatever

Java Version: i dont know

Antivirus Program: ??

Description of Problem:

OK so i only have 3 mods, oftifine,tomanyites,and the last isnt working.so its technicly only 2 mods.I dont know if its a bug, but im reporting

Error Messages:

for servers:you need this mod:

and whatever mods i need

Error Log:

i dont know...

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16 answers to this question

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This is an absolutely atrocious bug report. Are you even using the launcher? You need to read the stickies at the top of the forum. This also, is not a launcher bug. You ought to know what your OS is. If you are going to play a Java based game on any computer, at all, you need to have some concept of what your computer is. Read the stickies, check out the common problems and solutions thread, and do not post another bug report without having all of the information the format asks for.

Edit: I will also add that 'bumping' is not allowed on this forum. We have edit buttons.

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Ashizification: Im not THAT old to know what Java type im not even a teenager yet (which sucks xD)! So yhea.But that for (some) of the help!

If you can't supply the information, don't make a bug report.

And yes, im using the launcher.How else will I be able to play tekkit?

You can play tekkit by installing the mods individually. But you have already told me you don't have the intelligence to do so.

Overall, if you are going to make a complaint, then make excuses for not being able to provide information, ask mommy and daddy to try to fix it for you. If you are too young to determine the information we need, then you are too young to be playing this game.

Edit: and don't multi-post, use the edit button.

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I still don't know, but he isn't even a teenager yet, so we can't expect him to know either.

Hrumf, a majority of pre-teens I know can recognize a computer operating system. At least a OSX or Windows based system when they see one. Anyway, forgiving OP for missing the part where he states his age.

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Hrumf, a majority of pre-teens I know can recognize a computer operating system. At least a OSX or Windows based system when they see one. Anyway, forgiving OP for missing the part where he states his age.

This. Edit the OP with the correct information, or...no one will help you.

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