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When I try to downgrade to 2.1.0 I get update failed



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Windows 7

Java Version: 7

Antivirus Program: avast

Description of Problem:

When I try to downgrade to 2.1.0 and it starts downloading minecraft.jar it gets to around 90-05% and says update failed. I have tried disabling my firewall, turned off avg, then actually uninstalled avg and it still didnt work so I installed avast (I hear its better). I've also ran as admin but still no luck. If anyone can help me I will love you forever! lool or just link me to tekkit 2.1.0 files Instead of finding an actual solution to the problem. Either way Thank You!

Error Messages:

Update Failed!!!

Error Log:

It didnt let me put it cause it wasnt under 50k words? 

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Answer and Solution!

[EDIT] Look a couple of posts forwards! HalibutBarn found the current solution!

It appears that the technic team have not uploaded the MC patch files for 1.3.x to 1.1 . The last supported version of minecraft for 1.1 was 1.2.5. 1.3.2 is only supported in backdating down to 1.2.3

The only way around this is to manually build tekkit yourself, using the .yml I described before

Hope this helps, and I'll let you know if the team get a 1.3.x -> 1.1 patch online :)

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The easiest way to get around it is to get a 1.1 minecraft jar from somewhere (e.g., MCNostalgia), and toss it in the launcher cache directory as "minecraft_1.1.jar". Then it'll just use that instead of trying to download and patch, which is the failing part.

I have a change against the launcher to let it do multi-stage diffs where possible (e.g., go from 1.3.2 -> 1.2.5 -> 1.1), but it's still a bit rough.

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  "HalibutBarn said:
The easiest way to get around it is to get a 1.1 minecraft jar from somewhere (e.g., MCNostalgia), and toss it in the launcher cache directory as "minecraft_1.1.jar". Then it'll just use that instead of trying to download and patch, which is the failing part.

I have a change against the launcher to let it do multi-stage diffs where possible (e.g., go from 1.3.2 -> 1.2.5 -> 1.1), but it's still a bit rough.

And this is why the forum staff, and the people that make this mod pack possible, are totally awesome.

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