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[3.1.2][Pvp]Refined Tekkit Server[25 slots][economy][Essentials]

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Welcome to Refined Tekkit Server!

We are a new server that just started, we are trying to aim to be a good server that

have a community that helps each other as much as we can. The server is up 24/7

The server IS whitelisted for safety reasons.

Server IP :

Server Rules :

ï‚· No Griefing

ï‚· No Stealing form other players

ï‚· Don't use harsh language

ï‚· Respect staff and all other players

ï‚· PVP is allowed but do not spawn camp or go mad killing people

ï‚· Rules may be altered at any one time by staff

ï‚· No hacks/glitches/exploits, we will reward you if you report any to us

ï‚· Have Fun

Restricted Items :

ï‚· Nukes & Any kind of Bombs

ï‚· EMC Flower

Whitelist Application:


Whitelist should take less than 12 hours. We contact u by E-mail.








Thanks for reading


Hi, i really like the sound of the server, and would love to join, however the google doc's link is not working. However i would still like to apply so i'll do an application like for most of the other servers.

Name - Rowan

IGN - Rauwomos

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - Since just before the end of alpha minecraft.

Tekkit experience - Around 6 months

Time playing MC per day - About an hour and a half monday to friday and around 3 hours on the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - I have been looking a smallish tekkit server which does not have lots of banned items for a long time, because i feel it limits the experience. :)


Name Kat

IGN MrKarzyKat90

Age 15

Minecraft experience...At least 1.1 win I started

Tekkit experience A little

Time playing MC per day At least 1 hour a day on weekends 3 hours

Why do you want to join the server looking for a nice server this looks nice


Name - Lasse

Age - 14, turning 15 in 18 days

Minecraft Exp - Hmm. Had it for about 2 years.

Tekkit Exp - Been playing a lot the latest, but had it about 4 months.

Time playing MC per day - It's different, i'm having a lot of homework right now, so i can't play totally much, but will be playing all i can.

Why do you want to join the server - The server is new, which means not too many people, also there is not many items that is banned, that is really good. Hope to hear from you soon :)


Name - uwannafight

Age - 16

Minecraft Exp - Around year and half

Tekkit Exp - Very experienced in tekkit, been playing for around 2 months and im famillar with every mod

Time on Mc Per day - Well im currently not in school so around 10-13 hours a day but wen in school it'll be between 6-10

Why you want to join? - Because im looking for a server with a small community not to many players and to have fun with other people


Name - Pigsareawsome1

IGN - Pigsareawsome1

Age - 12

Minecraft experience - About five months

Tekkit experience - About five months (Tekkit made me finally get minecraft)

Time playing MC per day - Around half an hour a day during the weekdays, and usually of least 3-7 hours during the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - Me and 4 friends want to find a cool server to play on, and this is the first we've found that bans power flowers but not condensers, and runs 24/7. My friends will sign up soon.


Name - Juan

IGN - Left4Laughs

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - The beginning of 1.8.1

Tekkit experience - Around 2 weeks

Time playing MC per day - About 1 hour a day with mods and maybe around 10-15 hours a week

Also can I ask for my friend to be whitelisted as well?


name- matt

ign- ses1510


minecraft exp- begining of beta

tekkit exp-6 months

time playing mc per day- 1-2 hours

why do you want to join the server- because i want to play on a reliable server with people who want to help each other out and have fun 24/7 and that dose not have too many people on it

cant wait to find that email thanx! email: [email protected]


name- Kyle

ign- peapan


minecraft exp- end of alpha

tekkit exp-8 months to 9 months

time playing mc per day- 1-2 hours

why do you want to join the server- Because i am looking for a nice quit tekkit server that has friendly and funny staff and nice people. I love to play tekkit and i play it everyday. I like to help people and have fun with others. this server looks apealing and fun toplay on. I hope i get acceted. pleas let me know via reply or email me...

Email: [email protected]


Google Doc had problems. We whitelisted evryone who posted there Ingame name in this forum post ! We will fix the google doc link soon as possible!

- GTkills owner of refined tekkit server


Sorry to bother, but I'm not whitelisted yet.

I think you mispelled my name- as in, you spelled it like it SHOULD be.

Remember, my name is exactly: Pigsareawsome1

Not: Pigsareawesome1

Thanks! :D


Request to join

Name: GLaDOS


age: 12

tekkit exp: not very long mabey 2-3 months

time spent on mine craft 2-3 hours weekends

I want to join because I want to play with my friends on tekkit and start a company.


Request to Join:

Name: Phumeuphong

IGN: Phumeuphong

Age 13

Tekkit exp: I have a big understanding with quarries

Time Spent on Minecraft Alot on Weekends, about 1 hour on weekdays

Why I want to Join: I want to play on a Tekkit Server and learn more for my Youtube Series and maybe put this as my youtube video once in awhile.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day

Email: [email protected]

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day


Sorry to bother, but I'm not whitelisted yet.

I think you mispelled my name- as in, you spelled it like it SHOULD be.

Remember, my name is exactly: Pigsareawsome1

Not: Pigsareawesome1

Thanks! :D

Changed it in the whitelist :)


Hi, i really like the sound of the server, and would love to join, however the google doc's link is not working. However i would still like to apply so i'll do an application like for most of the other servers.

Name - Rowan

IGN - Rauwomos

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - Since just before the end of alpha minecraft.

Tekkit experience - Around 6 months

Time playing MC per day - About an hour and a half monday to friday and around 3 hours on the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - I have been looking a smallish tekkit server which does not have lots of banned items for a long time, because i feel it limits the experience. :)

hey rowan you are whitelisted


Whitelisted new people. Welcome to Refined Tekkit Server

Hey i was the first to apply and it says i was added, but i'm not? Is anyone actually whitelisted yet?



Hi im nick and me and glados want to start a company so yeah please white list me

if ineed to do that ID stuff what do i put down

Ps my minecraft user name doesnt have a space in it

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