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[3.1.2][Pvp]Refined Tekkit Server[25 slots][economy][Essentials]

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Welcome to Refined Tekkit Server!

We are a new server that just started, we are trying to aim to be a good server that

have a community that helps each other as much as we can. The server is up 24/7

The server IS whitelisted for safety reasons.

Server IP :

Server Rules :

 No Griefing

 No Stealing form other players

 Don't use harsh language

 Respect staff and all other players

 PVP is allowed but do not spawn camp or go mad killing people

 Rules may be altered at any one time by staff

 No hacks/glitches/exploits, we will reward you if you report any to us

 Have Fun

Restricted Items :

 Nukes & Any kind of Bombs

 EMC Flower

Whitelist Application:


Whitelist should take less than 12 hours. We contact u by E-mail.








Thanks for reading


Hi, i really like the sound of the server, and would love to join, however the google doc's link is not working. However i would still like to apply so i'll do an application like for most of the other servers.

Name - Rowan

IGN - Rauwomos

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - Since just before the end of alpha minecraft.

Tekkit experience - Around 6 months

Time playing MC per day - About an hour and a half monday to friday and around 3 hours on the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - I have been looking a smallish tekkit server which does not have lots of banned items for a long time, because i feel it limits the experience. :)


Name Kat

IGN MrKarzyKat90

Age 15

Minecraft experience...At least 1.1 win I started

Tekkit experience A little

Time playing MC per day At least 1 hour a day on weekends 3 hours

Why do you want to join the server looking for a nice server this looks nice


Name - Lasse

Age - 14, turning 15 in 18 days

Minecraft Exp - Hmm. Had it for about 2 years.

Tekkit Exp - Been playing a lot the latest, but had it about 4 months.

Time playing MC per day - It's different, i'm having a lot of homework right now, so i can't play totally much, but will be playing all i can.

Why do you want to join the server - The server is new, which means not too many people, also there is not many items that is banned, that is really good. Hope to hear from you soon :)


Name - uwannafight

Age - 16

Minecraft Exp - Around year and half

Tekkit Exp - Very experienced in tekkit, been playing for around 2 months and im famillar with every mod

Time on Mc Per day - Well im currently not in school so around 10-13 hours a day but wen in school it'll be between 6-10

Why you want to join? - Because im looking for a server with a small community not to many players and to have fun with other people


Name - Pigsareawsome1

IGN - Pigsareawsome1

Age - 12

Minecraft experience - About five months

Tekkit experience - About five months (Tekkit made me finally get minecraft)

Time playing MC per day - Around half an hour a day during the weekdays, and usually of least 3-7 hours during the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - Me and 4 friends want to find a cool server to play on, and this is the first we've found that bans power flowers but not condensers, and runs 24/7. My friends will sign up soon.


Name - Juan

IGN - Left4Laughs

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - The beginning of 1.8.1

Tekkit experience - Around 2 weeks

Time playing MC per day - About 1 hour a day with mods and maybe around 10-15 hours a week

Also can I ask for my friend to be whitelisted as well?


name- matt

ign- ses1510


minecraft exp- begining of beta

tekkit exp-6 months

time playing mc per day- 1-2 hours

why do you want to join the server- because i want to play on a reliable server with people who want to help each other out and have fun 24/7 and that dose not have too many people on it

cant wait to find that email thanx! email: mattroberts1@live.com.au


name- Kyle

ign- peapan


minecraft exp- end of alpha

tekkit exp-8 months to 9 months

time playing mc per day- 1-2 hours

why do you want to join the server- Because i am looking for a nice quit tekkit server that has friendly and funny staff and nice people. I love to play tekkit and i play it everyday. I like to help people and have fun with others. this server looks apealing and fun toplay on. I hope i get acceted. pleas let me know via reply or email me...

Email: peepan99@live.com.au


Google Doc had problems. We whitelisted evryone who posted there Ingame name in this forum post ! We will fix the google doc link soon as possible!

- GTkills owner of refined tekkit server


Sorry to bother, but I'm not whitelisted yet.

I think you mispelled my name- as in, you spelled it like it SHOULD be.

Remember, my name is exactly: Pigsareawsome1

Not: Pigsareawesome1

Thanks! :D


Request to join

Name: GLaDOS


age: 12

tekkit exp: not very long mabey 2-3 months

time spent on mine craft 2-3 hours weekends

I want to join because I want to play with my friends on tekkit and start a company.


Request to Join:

Name: Phumeuphong

IGN: Phumeuphong

Age 13

Tekkit exp: I have a big understanding with quarries

Time Spent on Minecraft Alot on Weekends, about 1 hour on weekdays

Why I want to Join: I want to play on a Tekkit Server and learn more for my Youtube Series and maybe put this as my youtube video once in awhile.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day

Email: trankevin66@yahoo.com

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day


  "Pigsareawsome1 said:
Sorry to bother, but I'm not whitelisted yet.

I think you mispelled my name- as in, you spelled it like it SHOULD be.

Remember, my name is exactly: Pigsareawsome1

Not: Pigsareawesome1

Thanks! :D

Changed it in the whitelist :)


  "Rauwomos said:
Hi, i really like the sound of the server, and would love to join, however the google doc's link is not working. However i would still like to apply so i'll do an application like for most of the other servers.

Name - Rowan

IGN - Rauwomos

Age - 16

Minecraft experience - Since just before the end of alpha minecraft.

Tekkit experience - Around 6 months

Time playing MC per day - About an hour and a half monday to friday and around 3 hours on the weekend.

Why do you want to join the server - I have been looking a smallish tekkit server which does not have lots of banned items for a long time, because i feel it limits the experience. :)

hey rowan you are whitelisted


  "GTkills said:
Whitelisted new people. Welcome to Refined Tekkit Server

Hey i was the first to apply and it says i was added, but i'm not? Is anyone actually whitelisted yet?



Hi im nick and me and glados want to start a company so yeah please white list me

if ineed to do that ID stuff what do i put down

Ps my minecraft user name doesnt have a space in it

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