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Im trying to run my server without hamchi...


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Im trying to run my server without hamchi and its all fine until i launch the server.bat

C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\Tekkit Server>java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui

182 recipes

27 achievements

22:25:11 [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5

22:25:11 [iNFO] Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization

22:25:11 [iNFO] Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

22:25:11 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading

22:25:11 [iNFO] Loading mods from C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\Tekkit Server\mods

22:25:12 [iNFO] Directory weaponmod contained no mods

22:25:12 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 38 mods

22:25:13 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized


22:25:13 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized


22:25:13 [iNFO] [WeaponMod] Properties file read succesfully!

22:25:13 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found valu

e 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308

22:25:13 [iNFO] Loading ComputerCraft: To change block IDs, modify config/mod_Co


22:25:13 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: computerBlockID 207

22:25:13 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: diskDriveBlockID 208

22:25:13 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: diskItemID 4000

22:25:13 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -49 item slot already occupied by dan200.computer.sha

red.ItemComputer@6786c975 while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@4214556c

22:25:13 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib...

22:25:13 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib and methods located.

22:25:13 [iNFO] CONFLICT @ -48 item slot already occupied by dan200.computer.sha

red.ItemPeripheral@1c0f3a6e while adding net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock@2bc51a26


22:25:13 [iNFO] Initializing alchemy values for Equivalent Exchange..

22:25:14 [iNFO] NetherOres: loaded Macerator Recipes

22:25:14 [iNFO] Loading properties

22:25:14 [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on


22:25:14 [WARNING] The exception was: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requ

ested address: JVM_Bind

22:25:14 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?


Anyone know what the problem is here?

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The problem is you aren't assigning your server to the correct IP. To find out which IP to use in server.properties, open up cmd, and type 'ipconfig'. The first place it says: "IPv4 Address: [something]" is what you should use. You will need to port forward through your router as well; how to port forward varies from router to router.

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The problem is you aren't assigning your server to the correct IP. To find out which IP to use in server.properties, open up cmd, and type 'ipconfig'. The first place it says: "IPv4 Address: [something]" is what you should use. You will need to port forward through your router as well; how to port forward varies from router to router.

I have port fowarded 25565 In / Out and set the IP to IPv4

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You don't need to specify an ip adress in server.properties. Unless that pc has more then one ip adress (through 2 networkcards for example).

Were you maybe running the server already and tried to start it a second time? Or you assigned the wrong ip adress in server.properties like someone else already suggested.

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