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Technic Launcher Updater Has Stopped Working



Launcher Version: 7.2

Operating System: Windows 7 64-Bit

Java Version: New 7.0 And 6.0

Antivirus Program: None

Description of Problem:

When i try to start the Technic Launcher it just says Technic Launcher Updater Has Stopped Working I have no idea what to do. Please Help

It looks like this:


Error Messages:

Technic Launcher Updater Has Stopped Working

Error Log:


24 answers to this question

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I have the same problem as the original poster.

OS is Windows 7 32-bit

Java 7 update 7 installed to default folder, no previous version ever installed

Kaspersky 2012 installed, but disabled during Java install and when downloading or running the launcher

Launcher is the version from this site, downloaded yesterday, file size is 58,880 bytes

Have never had a previous version of the launcher or mod packs, Minecraft account was opened only yesterday, and the game installed. It works fine.

Get exactly the same "stopped working" dialog as original poster, just a couple of seconds after it starts running.

After the error, the %appdata%/.techniclauncher folder has only a logs sub folder with an empty log file, so there's no alternative .jar file to try and use, or any other files either.

Hope that detail helps with debugging.

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OP: Try using the .jar and see if that works.

Heads up, if, when you download it, it downloads as a zip file just change the extension to .jar and open it with Java (Right click, Open with... Java)

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OP: Try using the .jar and see if that works.

Heads up, if, when you download it, it downloads as a zip file just change the extension to .jar and open it with Java (Right click, Open with... Java)

How can i get the .jar file?

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Getting the same issue, the exe won't run. Also Windows 7, 64 bit.

The folder .techniclauncher contains only logs. Is there a link to this .jar file?

Edit: Ah, thanks for the link, but when I open it with Java it appears to run the file then close and nothing else happens (I assume by run in java you are referring to open with java.exe)

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I'm having the same problems and I've tried the solutions you mean and it hasn't changed. What am I supposed to do? It's definitely a .jar and but I have 7-zip... Someone help?

What do you mean you have 7-zip? Did you change the extension?

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Okay, here's how to do it:

If your .exe DOES NOT WORK, and you do NOT HAVE a .jar in your .techniclaucher folder, then delete your .techniclauncher folder.

At this time, please make sure you have the correct version of Java installed on your computer (matching bit-type).

Return to technicpack.net.

Rather than downloading the Windows (or OSX) version of the launcher, download the Linux/Jar version.

If you are using Internet Explorer for a browser, be prepared to change the file extension (normally it would look like technicpack.exe, downloading the Linux/Jar it MUST look like technicpack.jar) if it downloads as technicpack.zip. Technic Pack can not be run in a .zip format, and it must be as a .jar (.exe is the normal method, but if you're using this solution that extension is your problem).

You should be able to just double click on the .jar file. If you cannot, right click on it and run it using Java.

If that solution does not work, you can try downgrading your Java to Java 6, but that is not a suggested solution.

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It's also worth mentioning that it may fail to execute (eg if the Jar does nothing) if there is a space in your windows username. The only workaround I've had for this so far is to create a new windows user to play technic pack.

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wow... this comunity isnt just "unfriendly" its actively hostile...

i was wondering why i kept being told to avoid this place...

I would very much like to know why you said this. If it was directed at my final comment, that was step-by-step instructions as to how to solve the problem (from the what I have read).

To be quite honest, if you find that hostile, then I wouldn't read an instruction manual or call the help desk (of any company) for anything.

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I hate to sound useless but when i try to convert any of the files to .jar they become inoperable and cease to function. Not like they would function normaly as I seem to be having the same problem as the rest. I have tried restarting along with allowing the program higher grade acess in the security so that's not the issue. I fear that file conversion may be my problem. How exactly would I go about converting the .zip to .jar because doing it in properties isn't working as it just kills the very program. I hope this can be solved quickly.

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I hate to sound useless but when i try to convert any of the files to .jar they become inoperable and cease to function. Not like they would function normaly as I seem to be having the same problem as the rest. I have tried restarting along with allowing the program higher grade acess in the security so that's not the issue. I fear that file conversion may be my problem. How exactly would I go about converting the .zip to .jar because doing it in properties isn't working as it just kills the very program. I hope this can be solved quickly.

All you do is rename the file...

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Thank you for responding but he soluion is now not needed as I have moved to a computer setting where it launched without a problem. But I do have a issue with the update failing. I have looked around the forums and I'm not quite sure what a build is and how that will afftec the update. It's fine untill the 100% part where is just says load fail.

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