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Technic disappears after login (repost)



Launcher Version:

Operating System: Mac OS X version 10.7.5

Java Version: version 7 update 9 (build 1.7.0_09-b05)

Antivirus Program: none

Description of Problem:

This problem seemed to happen after I updated my computer and restarted it. Whenever I open Technic it tells me there's a client update and I click ok. Some times it doesn't though. Anyways I do it and it instantly says updated successfully. I open it and it doesn't remember me anymore and my skin isn't there. The password bar is full though. It shows 2 characters (steve) instead of 1 every other time i open it. I login and the screen goes white and right before it says Mojang the launcher and mod disappear. I deleted everything related to technic (technic folder). I download Technic for mac or linux and it still does the same thing. I have been trying to fix it nonstop for hours on end. Please help me with this problem.

Error Messages:

Error Log:

Is this the log?


[13:43:06] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: ''

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Java VM: '1.7.0_07-b10'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] OS Version: '10.7.5'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'true'

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mirrors.yml'.

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] Copying: /temp/file4236768343191852536.tmp to: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[13:43:06] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: /launcher/CHECKSUM.md5

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [MD5 Mismatch] File '/launcher/hackslashmine/modpack.yml' has md5 of '33d7e9392126d8a1bd4bdde839129935' instead of 'fc658483012963bf32a57f8b8f9b402c'

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from ''.

[13:43:07] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[13:43:16] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/mods/basemods/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[13:43:20] [sEVERE] Copying: /temp/file2385868681640416995.tmp to: /temp/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip

[13:43:20] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: /temp/basemods-hackslashmine-v0.6.0.zip

[13:43:21] [sEVERE] Loading Launcher from 'techniclauncher/hackslashmine'

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Glad I stayed away as long as I did.

So you know sir, it is none of our issues. We didn't write it.

Hold your horses and wait for updates. Quit bitching.

OP, just got find yourself a working version of Java (I think it's linked in here somewhere)

Don't let it update.

You must be retarded.

This was the error/issue a while back.


You don't get the issue using the default launcher because, AFAIK, Mojang compiled the launcher with Java 6, not 7. The same type of error happens when you use something like MultiMC with Java 7, too.

The Technic/Spout launchers are compiled using 7 (with back support for Java 6).

The issue is with LWJGL http://www.puppygames.net/blog/?p=1112

You are correct in this fact. Does this mean mac users will have to wait until a new version of tekkit using minecraft 1.3 comes out?

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And you're rude.

I'm stating the obvious, you're just being rude and inconsiderate.

I'm being inconsiderate and rude? You just jumped into this thread with nothing, no advice, just ann unthought out response that nobody needed. Why don't you take the time to read the entire thread before posting a useless comment like that, what would you do if suddenly your technic launcher wasn't working properly and you knew what was wrong, but no one could understand why, you'd start bitching and whining about it like an immature child. At least I took the time to find facts and truths and searched around for a possible fix, all leading to dead ends.

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(the pack is not a business and has no customers but I'll run with it)

You just invalidated your entire argument. We aren't a business, so there's absolutely no reason to "run with it" like it is one. What it is, is this: KakerMix is paying for 2+ TB bandwidth a day and no amount of website ad revenue is going to make up for the cost of that per month. This isn't a business, it's a "hey let's rape KakerMix's wallet" festival complete with dong-shaped floats and a parade of burning money. Which you are bashing.

The Devs of the Technic Launcher and modpack have to make 3 programs and make sure they work properly, this is not too hard of a task for people as technically educated as the Devs are.

Clearly you know everything that is going on behind the scenes, and it is so easy with only 3 programs and all. Why don't you do it yourself if it is as simple as you make it? These are rhetorical questions, because quite frankly you describe the Technic Team & Mod Staff like you've been hanging with us on a daily basis. Just a tip: You haven't.

If I seem pissed it is probably because I am on behalf of the team, which should put you into a self-reflective state of mind and think about what you're really trying to say before posting. Of course, your predecessors before you instead got ragey about not being right, but there's a chance you won't follow in their footsteps. Which I highly suggest.

EDIT: Google gives me this fix for you.

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Actually, I was asked to come in and help. The help that I offered is the only help that I know of.

You were rude. I offered help and told you to wait. Stop being rude, and maybe someone will give you some actual help.

Again, why didn't you read the entire thread before posting a meaningless response.

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Again, why didn't you read the entire thread before posting a meaningless response.

EDIT: Yes it is. I'm out. Bride if you get on you can take a crack at this.

See that there? That is Jorcer asking me to come help him, help the original poster.

I'm not going to reread the same angry things over and over again. It's a problem with compatibility. Yes, correct. But you cannot honestly expect the development team of this pack to wait for one platform to update, can you?

They work their butts off to create this product that we get for free.

Not working for you? Figure out a way to get the solutions that have been given to work. They don't work? Deal with it, it's a free product.

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You just invalidated your entire argument. We aren't a business, so there's absolutely no reason to "run with it" like it is one. What it is, is this: KakerMix is paying for 2+ TB bandwidth a day and no amount of website ad revenue is going to make up for the cost of that per month. This isn't a business, it's a "hey let's rape KakerMix's wallet" festival complete with dong-shaped floats and a parade of burning money. Which you are bashing.

Clearly you know everything that is going on behind the scenes, and it is so easy with only 3 programs and all. Why don't you do it yourself if it is as simple as you make it? These are rhetorical questions, because quite frankly you describe the Technic Team & Mod Staff like you've been hanging with us on a daily basis. Just a tip: You haven't.

If I seem pissed it is probably because I am on behalf of the team, which should put you into a self-reflective state of mind and think about what you're really trying to say before posting. Of course, your predecessors before you instead got ragey about not being right, but there's a chance you won't follow in their footsteps. Which I highly suggest.

I don't have the years of experience the Devs do, I don't know any code, but I do know people who do, and they know how to make programs, if you take a good look at the Technic Launcher, it's not that complicated, it gives you a selection screen on the left and the core of the regular minecraft launcher to the right along with some nice artwork and a loop of gifs for the modders. Now you're going to say it's much more than that, you don't know what you're talking about. The program is already written, all the Devs need to do now is push a new version of the modpacks for 1.3.2

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I don't have the years of experience the Devs do, I don't know any code, but I do know people who do, and they know how to make programs, if you take a good look at the Technic Launcher, it's not that complicated, it gives you a selection screen on the left and the core of the regular minecraft launcher to the right along with some nice artwork and a loop of gifs for the modders. Now you're going to say it's much more than that, you don't know what you're talking about. The program is already written, all the Devs need to do now is push a new version of the modpacks for 1.3.2

Yea, maybe when all of the modpacks are updated to 1.3.2 they will but had you done any research before gibbering on about things you don't know anything about, you'd know that.

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Actually, I was asked to come in and help. The help that I offered is the only help that I know of.

You were rude. I offered help and told you to wait. Stop being rude, and maybe someone will give you some actual help.

So if the Windows version was not working properly, you wouldn't expect them to fix it? You did not offer to help, you said it was not our issue, we didn't write it, and told us to just wait and quit *****ing. Telling the OP to go find a working version of Java, that's useless advice.

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What deluded concept of the Technic Team do you have in your head? I am here to assure you that my idea of what the Technic Team does is far more accurate than any warped conception you have, and I assure you it is more than a "3-program launcher". If you'd like to continue to argue with my banhammer on this point feel free to, otherwise I heavily suggest you wisen up and move on. People make mistakes and can grow to learn from them.

Then again, some people can't.

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Yea, maybe when all of the modpacks are updated to 1.3.2 they will but had you done any research before gibbering on about things you don't know anything about, you'd know that.

"Gibbering on about things you don't know anything about." I know a lot about macs and how they work, I'm trying to tell people what's wrong, why it isn't working, and why what they think is wrong is incorrect. Why are you even here anyways? Why did you come here, you have no factual evidence of any sort to anything you have presented.

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So if the Windows version was not working properly, you wouldn't expect them to fix it? You did not offer to help, you said it was not our issue, we didn't write it, and told us to just wait and quit *****ing. Telling the OP to go find a working version of Java, that's useless advice.

I would try to fix it, then ask my cohorts for help if I can't (since one of them is into modding).

The "we" I'm referring to is myself, Jorcer, Hushful, and the lot of us who try to help people.

I told you to quit bitching because that's what you're doing.

And it is useful advice, because there is a working version out there, I know several people running OSX who haven't had a problem.

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Banned for obvious reasons ("Banned because illiterate and can't read and also is a know-it-all asshole"), no one (me or anyone in our community) should ever put up with his shit.

OP, I'm deeply sorry for the trouble this butt-turd caused, feel free to create a new thread if none of the above fixes worked. Locking this pile of poo to rot out.

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Which one of us has the pink baby head and a mod threatening to ban them? Oh, wait, that would be you. My factual evidence would be that I obviously have a better grasp on how the mod pack and launcher works then you quite obviously do. And I came because I love to watch an idiot make a fool of themselves and get banned. Dance monkey, dance!

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