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How do you guys sort your items with a sorting maching? I'm new to tekkit and think the pneumatic pipe sorting system would be epic. My system will smelt all ores, charge all weapons, and make scrap with thinks I dont need. Resources won't be a problem as I've got a few underwater quarries running while 62 tanks of oil is refined. So basically, how should I divide everything up?

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How do you guys sort your items with a sorting maching? I'm new to tekkit and think the pneumatic pipe sorting system would be epic. My system will smelt all ores, charge all weapons, and make scrap with thinks I dont need. Resources won't be a problem as I've got a few underwater quarries running while 62 tanks of oil is refined. So basically, how should I divide everything up?

How the machines work: connect pneumatic pipes to the sorter, then put items in the sorting machine itself, on the bottom of each row (or column, I always mix those up XD) there's a square, if you click it, it'll change colour. After you've done that make a paint brush (dunno the recipe) with a corresponding colour, paint the pipe and you're done!

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How the machines work: connect pneumatic pipes to the sorter, then put items in the sorting machine itself, on the bottom of each row (or column, I always mix those up XD) there's a square, if you click it, it'll change colour. After you've done that make a paint brush (dunno the recipe) with a corresponding colour, paint the pipe and you're done!

How do you sort you items though? I'd end up making 100's of crystal chests and have 1 for each item. Like string would have its own chest, flax it's own chest. I know I can make categories like bars(won't have any ores since they'll be macerated and put in a furnace), gems, food, and nature stuff. But what about all of the odd items?

If I'm confusing you, I'm sorry;)

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How do you sort you items though? I'd end up making 100's of crystal chests and have 1 for each item. Like string would have its own chest, flax it's own chest. I know I can make categories like bars(won't have any ores since they'll be macerated and put in a furnace), gems, food, and nature stuff. But what about all of the odd items?

If I'm confusing you, I'm sorry;)

The odd items? Odd as in strange as in, like: items with a damage value? They won't get sorted and will be dumped in the last chest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i tend to like blacktooth's setup and have used a variation of it on all my maps since. I use 1 sorting machine per target chest. Set each machine to sort any item from any column and then tag all items in every column to the same color. The whole system ends up being 5 blocks high and 3 blocks deep expandable to either side for any length. Coupled with the iron chests mod for large single chests I alternate the tube colors to have the system as compact as possible. the front column is 2 sorters a space and 2 chests from top to bottom. Behind that are 2 columns of tubes, for example the rear red and the front white. Then you flip the colors with the next row and so on. Then to hook up the system you simply tube the front of the sorters and have it come to a point. I use a relay myself because I tend to have a teleport pie input from a quarry early on. The far end of the system I have a restriction tube and output it to a waste disposal and overflow chest using a filter for dirt/cobble/sand/etc... waste goes into my TC crucible and overflow goes to a chest.

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Just make a chest called "Misc"

Is flint even useful anyways;)

So far ive sorting things into gems/rarities, fuels and flint, wood and wood items, wool and dyes, then a crystal chest for each bar(copper and tin together would take a whole chest, and a have a ton of diamonds from the blaze rod trick so im not hurting for emc), then all my dusts/powders, pipes/tubes/wires/cables, machines and machine parts(the common ones i use), nature stuff, and finally food. Eventually i will need sort out cells, rubber, nether stuff, mob drops, and the other stuff i have like glass and TNT. MY system takes up a little space and is soooo confusing how i pipe it. If you want a picture ill upload a screenshot:)

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I have everything feeding directly into my energy condenser and 1 chest with 1 copy of each base component, (dusts, resin, gems etc) that act as my blueprints for swag. So as I need it, I make it. Any left over after production go back into the condenser. I hate chest clutter and like building stuff from sctatch so I wont use the energy condenser to make components or machines as that feels too much like cheating, raw materials only. Keeps it tight for space and saves getting chest sickness from all the running/spinning.

If I were to go the chests route tho I'd have a room for the base items and automated crafting each leading into a "workshop" for tech parts and machenery, "garden shed" for outside stuff, a " kitchen" for the food, armor room... that kind of thing. All rooms big enough to store ample finished product whilst keeping them seperate and easy to find.

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