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I'm having some issues - I have a setup like this:

Deployer (with empty buckets) -> Filter (with filled lava buckets) -> Geothermal Generator -> Retriever (with empty bucket in pull slot) -> Deployer


BC energy is created with Thermopiles (plenty of energy) to the Retriever.

My problem seems to be that the lava in front of the deployer runs out (?) and so the buckets pull a few times then stop. Do I need to put this contraption under the lava or would it always run out of lava to pull in?

EDITED: Title change to reflect problem better

Guest Ysharma

Of course it will run out, lava is not infinite at all what you have to do is setup a RP pump that pumps lava into a 1*1*1 area in front of the deployer, then deploy with buckets or lava cells or whatever you want. Out of curiosity why are you using the lava buckets in the nether rather then using ender chests to convert the lava to energy in the overworld insteaD?


Of course it will run out, lava is not infinite at all what you have to do is setup a RP pump that pumps lava into a 1*1*1 area in front of the deployer, then deploy with buckets or lava cells or whatever you want. Out of curiosity why are you using the lava buckets in the nether rather then using ender chests to convert the lava to energy in the overworld insteaD?

Thanks for the advice - I am working on a quarry in the nether, so want a large power supply that stays there. I've never used the RP pump before, actually, but may need to add some thermopiles to accomodate the energy needed there. From Duncan's video, it takes actual source blocks, which would be perfect.

I'll be using ender chests to take that back into the overworld for smelting. With wind and water strainers, I have no problem with energy there.

Guest Ysharma

For rp pumps you need the pump and have one end connected to a grate with liquid transport pipes and the other end attached to another grate with other liquid transport pipes, it needs bluetricity and a redstone signal to work.


Note that using BC and/or RP pumps will not eliminate your problem, as the lava source blocks are still finite. However, you should be able to reach such a huge number of them with this setup that it won't really matter, as this setup should easily last until you wind up having to start a new world for an unrelated reason. And if it doesn't, you can just move all this crap and set up again.


Another option:

Buildcraft pump filling a Buildcraft tank with lava. Point your deployer at said tank. It will fill the buckets from the tank's contents.

The problem I've had with BC pumps is that Redstone engines don't seem to get enough power to them, or maybe that was just the placement. I thought by going with the setup I have now, I wouldn't need to worry about using a pump at all - which obviously I was wrong.

I'll probably try the RP pump solution, since I've never set one up before.


Redstone engines work fine, you just need to wait for them to warm up for a few minutes. Obviously they won't do while still running blue.

Four engines running orange/red will nearly saturate a waterproof pipe.


Redstone engines work fine, you just need to wait for them to warm up for a few minutes. Obviously they won't do while still running blue.

Four engines running orange/red will nearly saturate a waterproof pipe.

Maybe that was my issue with my first setup. I may actually try both approaches, just for the experience. I have been trying to use mostly RP/ to gets things running. Just for the mere fact that my RP sorting from the quarry was so cool and fast compared to all those wood/iron/obsidian..etc pipes i had setup originally.


Here's what I have with the pump IC2:


Power output stopped at 20k, though not sure why. This is located towards the side so perhaps it doesn't go deep enough?



Try putting the geothermal generator directly on top of the MFSU, and run a waterproof pipe from the pump to the geothermal. I am not sure the geothermal can accept a direct machine-to-machine transfer since the pump is from a different mod. However, it is specifically made compatible with waterproof pipes. Conveniently, you don't need a wooden waterproof pipe + redstone engine to move lava out of the pump; the pump has that function integrated. So just hook up some cobblestone waterproof pipe directly.

Output stopping at 20k means that a single bucket worth of lava was processed (because one lava bucket/block = 20,000 EU).

The buildcraft pump has a range of over 30 blocks in all directions from the point where its pipe touches down. Your building location should not matter.


Maybe the pump hit bedrock and it couldn't suck lava anymore? Also, I wanted to make this on my friend's server using ender chests. Can other people see what is in your ender chests with ones they have?


Maybe the pump hit bedrock and it couldn't suck lava anymore? Also, I wanted to make this on my friend's server using ender chests. Can other people see what is in your ender chests with ones they have?

As soon as I have the setup working, I'll certainly do that. Basically, I'll be using transposers and pneumatic pipes to connect to my sorting machine. Only problem I have to solve is how to direct nether ores to the furnace first, but should be able to push them to a chest until that part of the setup is complete. On the quarry setup, I intend to have the following:

Quarry-> Nether Ender Chest -> OW Ender Chest -> Transposer -> Furnace -> Mac or Chest (depending on Ore or coal/rs) -> Furnace/Chest -> Chest.

Secondly, I'll need to get this power up to the top levels where my quarry is, but once it's going - just lay some ice down and break for water and let it go.


Oh and I thought of another idea. I don't know if this if possible, but maybe instead of transporting lava, you could transport energy/lapatron crystals into the overworld.

Also (again), what is that texture pack called? The only tekkit texture I have seen or used is Sphax PureBDCraft.


Oh and I thought of another idea. I don't know if this if possible, but maybe instead of transporting lava, you could transport energy/lapatron crystals into the overworld.

Also (again), what is that texture pack called? The only tekkit texture I have seen or used is Sphax PureBDCraft.

That's been done before - or so I've read...not sure if it has worked. I'm keeping everything in the Nether, so no need.

Texture Pack is Soartex Modded - I've tried others, though this is by far my favorite HD TP.


And here we have the working setup. Looks like I may need to add a couple of thermopiles, but overall it's working.

@Googleflef, I believe this setup would be easy to add energy crystals with some retrievers and transposers to get crystal swapping from the overworld pretty easily. Just hook the MFSU up to a retriever (full crystal filter) -> ender chest (connection to overworld) -> transposer -> MFSU. In the overworld, the process would be reverse...pull full crystals out of ender chest with retriever -> MFSU -> transposer -> ender chest.

Anyway...here it is:



And in case you wanted the pump side of things - Not sure how long this will keep drawing lava though. Now I just need to get a crapload of glass fiber cables to bring with me and hook up to the quarry:



Just a few shots of the quarry in the Nether followed by the Ender Chest taking the winnings on to my chests/condenser. I thought about adding a second furnace to smelt the redstone and such, but the space it took and complexity of the pneumatic pipes was a little too much. I'll have to handle them manually.



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