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As far as I know you should use the heavier insulted copper cables (I don't know what you call them) and just connect it out the side or top into a HV transformer or a MFSU.


You should be able to hold shift and then place the cable on the reactor normally. Anything with an interface that opens with right click will open the interface instead of placing the block in your hand if you aren't holding shift, not just nuclear reactors.


No, I am holding shift (well, f in my game), It just won't place. When I put the block next to the reactor and put the HV-cable on it, it appeared to connect to the reactor. Also, pig, I didn't even make it five blocks before I noticed that the power wasn't working. The cable is 4x insulated, if that helps. If you want me to post some screenshots, then just say so. Thanks for trying to help so far.


Yes. Something along the lines of Reactor -> Energy link -> Power Teleport pipes -> Engine Generator

Also avoid double/triple posting, they tend to take that sort of thing seriously here, use the edit button.


if you don't want to lose EUs to converting them back and forth, you can use an MFSU cart and railcraft's EU loaders/unloaders to transport the power. also, lapotron crystals combined with ender chests or item teleport pipes.


Ok, hampdog, how exactly do you set that up? I tried, but nothing really happened... considering the fact that I have no idea what any of those thing are, except the reactor, of course.

Oh, and sorry about the edit thing, guys, didn't really notice it. So tiny...


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