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Pls Help Modpack


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Okay so here is the problem. I had trouble installing it for a while, but I got past that.  Now what I want to know is, why doesn't my modpack open? I click play, technic launcher disappears then reappears a few seconds later, with nothing else happening. I've seen a few threads saying it needs to be in a .zip format, but I don't know how to make it like that. Right now, it says it is a "Winrar Zip Archive"

Can anyone please help? Sorry I don't have any more information, I don't know how to get crash logs and such. Here is the link for the modpack on technic; http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/phoenixmagic2

Here is the link for the file on copy.com; https://copy.com/fwr36yWN4Nf4DOx6

Edited by Maiingan
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