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Quarry Flooding


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I've started a small quarry and read about how its a good idea to flood it so it doesn't stop if it hits lava. I made a pump and thought I could just stick the end of the pipe over the quarry but the water stops in the last pipe block and doesn't come out.

How do you flood a quarry effectively. I don't want to have to use a load of buckets. ;)

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You could use redpower pump and grates

They do whata pump should actually do, they move the water from a place to another, it's a bit expensive but more realistic and faster :)

Just pay attention because it tends to create ambiental disasters as sea drought :)

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Ah I see. My mistake was not doing that at the start. Now I have a massive hole that's going to take ages to fill with a bucket. :( Thanks for the help.

No just use a bucket to place 1 source block of bucket on the inner edge of the hole. The derpy water physics will do the rest as far as allowing the quarry to deal with lava. Assuming of course that the quarry hasn't hit lava already. If you wanted to fill the whole completely with water for other reasons that's different.

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On the top layer, before the Quarry has started, fill up 2 sides with a line of water. When the first layer of blocks are dug, it will create a large pool of infinite water sources. Ive not had to fill an already dug Quarry so i don't care to think of a method for you, sorry.

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