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How to convert your world's blocks/items to new ID's


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First, if i have posted in the wrong place i apologize, as i did not notice a more accurate place to post.


Converting a world's block IDs/item IDs is possible using a program called mIDas GOLD, but it's highly impractical to correctly input all the conversion values this program needs by hand especially when your using several mods.

But your in luck because mIDas GOLD v0.2.1 has a "patch" load function.

So i made a simple program called mIDas Patch Maker to utilize this function.

Basically, you provide the patch maker two copies of the same mods.cfg file.

The first copy containing the Block/Item ID's your world was generated with, should be renamed "old.cfg" and placed into the mIDas Patch Maker's directory.

The second copy should have correct/new Block or Item ID values you want your world to use. And should be named "new.cfg" and placed into the mIDas Patch Maker's directory.

With this information in place, run mIDas Patch Maker, and if all goes well, you'll have a new text file ready for mIDas GOLD named "Patch.txt"

For Download Links, pictures, and Full instructions visit my thread on Minecraft Forms Here


I'm too dumb to use any sane license like the zlib license, the GPL, or the BSD license so a mod replaced the former "license" with this message. Hooray!

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Copyright © 2012 gamefreak955

This software is indented as Freeware, and does not use adfly links or other similar services, for distribution. This software is free for redistribution as long as no monetary gain come of it. That includes the use of adfly links or other similar services.

The Software is currently CLOSED source, and will likely be made open at a later time.

This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "as is"

and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied

warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are

disclaimed. in no event shall the copyright holders be liable for any

direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages

(including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;

loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and

on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort

(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this

software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

That 'copyright', and any other legal stuff you put here, is absolute bullshit.

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That 'copyright', and any other legal stuff you put here, is absolute bullshit.

lol it's a copy from Minecraft forms "To Mod Creators: Copyrights" thread examples, I'm not a big shot programmer or lawyer :P, and wont pretend to be.

Virus scan should be required for downloads like this. I'm on my phone atm.

File name: mIDas Patch Maker v1.0.exe

File size:44.5 KB ( 45568 bytes )

SHA256: 29ff43a6fd804055b2c094da9a4edceccb49b0ac89cc828fd534c9ce0bc4acf4

SHA1: 26e99e445cce95abe8b85492f2d1d113a3c61c3b

MD5: a23d8bddd284be4f174b551792488757


Scores: 1 detection out of 43 scanners (AntiVirus: Ikarus)

Jotti's malware scan

Scores: 1 detection out of 19 scanners (AntiVirus: Ikarus)

Total score= 1 detection (AntiVirus: Ikarus) out of 48 unique scanners.

So i guess if you can't believe 1 detection out of 48 is a false positive. Don't download it.

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While I appreciate any constructive criticism, I feel this thread is getting off topic, as it is about a method to convert a world's blocks/items, and there's only been one legitimate post relating to such (Graziservers first post)

I have the right to put any copyright i wish, if you need to say something to me that doesn't relate to patch making/block converting (such as licensing and copyright), PM me about it.

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