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Launcher Version: lastest

Operating System: Windows. best i know im 14

Java Version: latest

Antivirus Program:

Description of Problem:

i open the launcher and every single time it has to download it again and it gets to 100% and opens a box saying that it hit a problem and that i can either continue or quit now but when i click continue it never opens.

Error Messages:

************** Exception Text **************

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.File.Move(String sourceFileName, String destFileName)

at TechnicLauncher.Form1.DownloadFileCompleted(Object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)

Error Log:

none the techniclauncher folder is empty

11 answers to this question

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come on amn not every body is good whif english and you can read it so its fine

Here's the problem: There are two kinds of "not good with english". There's the "not my language" one, which is perfectly acceptable, and typically includes things like misused words, adjectives on the wrong sides of nouns, and subject/predicate disagreements.

The other one is the "i'm a lazy ass, and i don't care about my language", which is not okay. Typically characterized by blatant typos making it into the final post, lack of punctuation, run-on sentences, and sometimes lack of spacing (which results in wall-o-text). Also frequently paired with complete lack of care and effort in other areas. OP's language wasn't good, but it wasn't terrible either. Your post was god-awful though.

OP: Very difficult to tell given the fact that you gave us almost no information, but could it be that you have overbearing parents who have your computer on lockdown? it sounds like the launcher is being run by someone who doesn't have write access to the appdata directory it needs.

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I should have all control since my account is the only existent one on this computer. I may have found the computer ( I believe it's the HP Pavilion ). I have Java 7 (jre7 in files)

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What if his "c:" drive isnt his primary windows drive would that cause such an error? that thought came into my head since he mention he might have "found" the computer.

edit1: basically my question is, is the program set to download/ install specifically on that drive or is it allowed to be installed elsewhere and if not would it be possible to make a setting for such in the launcher so for one it could become portable (that would be awesome) and two fix his little problem by installing in a place that he does have rights (like My Documents or something)

edit2: It could just be a virus aswell (again the "found" thing pops into mind). I've had a virus on one of my workplace's computers that makes symlinks to nowhere. if his appdata folder was symlinked to a folder he really doesnt have access to or something worse that would produce such error right?

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What if his "c:" drive isnt his primary windows drive would that cause such an error? that thought came into my head since he mention he might have "found" the computer.

I think he meant that he found his computer's brand. Nothing really useful about that

EDIT: Woops

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i found out more information. I can delete all the files and attempt to re-download but when it starts it only downloads the .Techniclauncher folder but nothing gets put inside it.

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i found out more information. I can delete all the files and attempt to re-download but when it starts it only downloads the .Techniclauncher folder but nothing gets put inside it.

Try playing tekkit. It will generate the tekkit file

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