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Piping crashes server?

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I'm running a server and everything was going great until i built a collector out in the desert with a redstone pump on some gold pipe coming out of it, suddenly the server crashed, now every time I move toward the area where i built all that, and the server tries to load that chunk, it crashes the server. It doesnt close the server program, its just done and needs to be closed and restarted. Is there a way to fix this? I do not feel like restarting the server over completely.

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Uhh yeah, those things I said :P You would just have to swap the pipes for tubes. Alternatively if the items are lying on the ground you can use a powered obsidian pipe to pick them up and place them in the pipe system.

It would help if we knew exactly what you were trying to do, what is this collector you speak of?

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We have had this issue. The pipes do not force load chunks anymore thus the presence of the chuck loader block. The chunk loader block has solved our problem. You place one in the chunk with pipes and it will stay loaded. Of course, we are mainly using this with pumps for lava, but should work elsewhere.

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Wooden BC pipes on condensers tends to corrupt chunks when the pipe tries to pull from the target slot (top left) of the condenser. Redpower pipes however do not seem to have this problem and will ignore the target slot. Hope this helps

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