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Losing eu/t for every MFSU


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Hopefully someone can help shed some light on an issue I'm having. I am using an MFSU for testing purposes, and it seems I lose 1 eu/t in the system for each MFSU attached to the output. For example, when I have one MFSU attached to a glass fiber cable it get the 512 eu/t rate. But if I add an additional 2 MFSUs on the same cable it drops to 510, and if I keep adding I keep losing eu. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with cable length, just the number of inputs. Happens on a server I play on and in single player.

Anybody else get this?

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Use the EU-Reader. You should really only use it on pieces of cable with energy going through them. MFSU's only deliver what is requested, so if there's one machine requesting small amounts of EU, it will probably only show something like 30 EU/t. The most reliable way to test energy is by hooking up a Mass Fabricator to whatever you want energy to run through. Mass Fabricators will take up as much as gets delivered to them, and so will Rotary Macerators with tons of Energy Storage Upgrades and Overclockers.

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OK, I'm still trying to figure this out, so I am posting some screens of what I am talking about. Hopefully someone can shed some light on whats going on. I don't recall it ever being like this.

Here is the first setup. where I have a full 512 eu/t going into the 2 MFSUs. I am not losing any eu/t based on cable length.


Here is the second, with no additional cable added giving 510 eu/tu3mFu.jpg

Third setup giving 509 eu/t.gcCOd.jpg

And finally this gives 508 eu/t.RxBsu.jpg

If I keep adding to this same cable I keep losing eu, and if i remove some from the middle it jumps back up by 1 or 2. From what I understand about eu and wiring, I shouldn;t lose eu unless adding cable length right...

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Turns out it was the eu reader. I set up a bank of mfsus to receive a total of 40000 eus. the eu reader was saying I was getting 504 eu/t out of the mfsu with the initial load, but all of the eus were accounted for at the end. Thanks for the help.

Stupid eu reader...

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