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my complete sphax 64x and 32x textures with forestry/clean server 3.1.2 with forestry

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complete texture pack for tekkit 64x and 32x with forestry.

Also i see that people had problems with getting forestry to work on 3.1.2, i uploaded a clean 3.1.2 server and client mods with instructions on how to set it up making your life easy.

Server 3.1.2 with forestry: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9lcnl6hwsd2ztf

Client: http://www.mediafire.com/?fa3tm53ijgpk1t7

Texture Packs

This should help all you guys

If you like what i did please check out my inventions and tekkit let's play series on youtube at:


Thanks for the sphax links. I wasn't able to transfer the tekkit mods into the regular sphax TP folders...I kept running into errors for some reason. This is extremely helpful. I was scared to post about it since people are such jerks around here.


It may be how your archive program works on your system. Instead of just double clicking the archive to open it, try using the context menu (right click on the item) and select "open archive" or whatever the equivalent is for your archive program.

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