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[GER] [1.7.10] Need Builders

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As in the title, I am looking for people who want to build a server with me. Since I am now no server buy this is simply built on a hamachi server and when this is finished, this is played on a purchased server on it. This server is supposed to be a Roleplay server so really with vehicle trains roadways jobs etc. if you want to make with and also have suggestions which mod / plugins you can use contact me.

Of course, the server is only to run in the German area, with an erflog will also appear an English version.

Hope you like my idea, and hope I get from you plenty of positive news, of course, is also allowed criticism.

Best regards
ChainTV aka. LynX4KLP


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read the Server Guidelines and edit in the title the missing information. Slots, PVP/PVE and so forth

Also, what modpack are you even playing?? How can anyone join when there's no mention of modpack links and server IP?

Edited by Munaus
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