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In a world... where creatures roam around trying to kill people... one team of 3 will try to make the lives of those people better... WITH FREAKIN COMPUTERS! Yes, that's right, a new Yogscast-like Tekkit series is coming to YouTube. However, it'll be after a while because I didn't get Bandicam for Christmas.. :-( Anyways, I will need 2 other's to assist me on this Let's Play. Casting Application is below. Also, we'll need a server to do this on. There's an app for that, too!

/--- Casting Application ---\


Age: If you aren't below 12 years, I'll let you on

Do you know English?: If you don't, I won't be able to understand you

Why you want to help:

Computer Knowledge Level: Rate your CKL on a scale of 1 to 15. Mine is 10 :3


Server is hosted by Mooseman9.

Current Members:



I'll let the thread thrive a bit after Christmas before checking again.


Server name: Technic Battles Redux

Yes, people know about it.

MineBackup, WorldEdit, soon adding tekkitcustomizer

IP: Can't say here, look at the server thread.

Admin: andrewdonshik

We are a company-based server, which seems perfect for your needs.

Note: I'm twelve too, so, yea..


Can I see some of your videos or something, because if your computer cant record it around 30-40 frames then there will be no point to this, I have a gaming computer I can record at 60 I think.

Guest Ysharma

Name: Yash

Age: 14

Do you know English?: Yes

Why you want to help: Sounds like something i may be able to burn time on

Computer Knowledge Level: 15 (irl computers, cant program in lua or forth though, but can in c++, I build computers and sell them for spare cash)



Age: 15

Do you know English?:Of course im canadian just putting that out there....

Why you want to help:Ive been looking to do a lets play FOR A LLONG TIME never did an official one

Computer Knowledge Level:8 i know my way around computers haha i know ALOT of tekkit

I can be very helpful.



Name: Benjamin

Age: 16

Do you know English?: I live in England and have done all my life.

Why you want to help: I have in depth knowledge with tekkit, and frankly I want to show that off but have fun doing it.

Computer Knowledge Level: IRL about 9, in tekkit, probably also about 9 for both CC and Repower.

Server Name: Whatever you like, i can hose it privately.

Does anyone else know about it?: It'd be private

Plugins: Whatever you want

IP: whatever is needed

Server Admin: Me


Name: Major

Age: 15

Do you know English?: Of course.

Why you want to help: I am great at tekkit, and have been looking to do a LP for a while. I know a lot about tekkit, so there's no problem on that front. It would also be nice to have fun with other people while working on a collaborative effort.

Computer Knowledge Level:For IRL computers, I'd say around 12. Computercraft Computers/Lua would rank in at a solid 11, and RP2/Forth would rank as an 8 or 9.

I can also host a private server, should you need it.


  "Mooseman9 said:
Name: Major

Age: 15

Do you know English?: Of course.

Why you want to help: I am great at tekkit, and have been looking to do a LP for a while. I know a lot about tekkit, so there's no problem on that front. It would also be nice to have fun with other people while working on a collaborative effort.

Computer Knowledge Level:For IRL computers, I'd say around 12. Computercraft Computers/Lua would rank in at a solid 11, and RP2/Forth would rank as an 8 or 9.

I can also host a private server, should you need it.

Could use the private server, and we're not gonna make Red Power 2 computers.


Chill dude, I didn't mean it in an uppity way (though I appreciate that's probably how it sounded). I just meant that, as you are asking for other people, they might have the expertise to do it for you and/or teach you. If you were gonna do a lets play, I'd have thought you wanted to get as much of tekkit across to your audience.

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