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Need help, technic Launcher crashes modpacks unless it is in fullscreen.



Recently I've been having trouble with Minecraft via technic launcher. I use Technic since I can easily play mods and etc from there. However, recently when using technic when I try to load modpacks my game crashes instantly after starting up the pack. I partially think this may have to do with my technic loading in non full screen since when I loaded it in full screen my game played fine. I don't know how to fix this, I've allocated ram and everything into the launcher and it still can't run the modpacks. I'm on mac by the way.
This is the crash report: https://pastebin.com/bk8bBVLs
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Actually, has to do with Java 8u261 and up. There's some issue between Minecraft, Forge and those java versions. There was an opened issue about that on the forge bug tracker, but that only covers 1.12.2, and we're seeing it on older minecraft versions as well. The fix's pretty easy, just downgrade and use Java 8u251 (select that version in Launcher Options > Java Settings).

Direct download link for Java 8u251 because Oracle is a pain to download from: https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/GetFile/1.8.0_251-b08/3d5a2bb8f8d4428bbe94aed7ec7ae784/unix-i586/jdk-8u251-macosx-x64.dmg

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