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No? Why would you want to? It isn't spam, its simply telling you the mods that player has installed. This is default behavior, it looks like a lot because Tekkit is CHOCK FULL.


Because I know what mods the players have, I don't need it telling me every time someone logs in.

I don't want to sit in game all day to watch chat, I watch the console and having my screen spammed with a giant list of mods every time someone logs in, makes it difficult to keep track if an error occurs. If a significant error pops up ,and someone logs in a second later, it spams the important relevant info clear out the window.

An option to disable that level of logging would be much appreciated.

  • Forum Administrators

Because I know what mods the players have, I don't need it telling me every time someone logs in.

I don't want to sit in game all day to watch chat, I watch the console and having my screen spammed with a giant list of mods every time someone logs in, makes it difficult to keep track if an error occurs. If a significant error pops up ,and someone logs in a second later, it spams the important relevant info clear out the window.

An option to disable that level of logging would be much appreciated.

Ha! Get a load of this guy.

We aren't in the business of forking Bukkit just to get rid of a hilariously minor gripe. I understand why you wouldn't like it, but on the list of "Important Things" log-on messages aren't one of them. We also don't do that sort of work in general, we limit ourselves to compatibility and bukkit conversions of modloader mods.


I just noticed this is in Technic. Why is this in the SSP board? >:( I had to move it :argh:


Every time a user logs on it spams the console with every mod that persons client has installed, can I turn that off?

Have a look at this: ThisLogMustDie

Should be doing what you are looking for, unfortunately the oldest version is for Craftbukkit 1.1-R6 so I have no idea if it is working Tekkit. Somebody who knows more about Bukkit than I do maybe able to answer that.

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