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Tekkit 2 takes too long to launch


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Hello, whenever I run tekkit 2 on my computer, it doesn't respond for like 3-4 mins after it gets this screen.
It doesn't have FPS drops or anything after it loads but it takes a lot of time..

I started the launcher, launched the modpack and quitted after It launched the game correctly. Here is the log file:

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3 hours ago, JaariAtmc said:

According to your log, it stays there for about 147 seconds, you closed it when it was still busy with the Optifine you added.

So do you mean that it's because Optifine? I had this issue when Optifine wasn't added.
And I closed it after it launched just fine (I closed it after I got main menu)

PS: Startup time now takes a lot longer. I didn't do anything.

[B#803]  [11:37:54] [Client thread/INFO]: Startup took 384168ms.


Edited by Eyup
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