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If you want something that could be achieved sooner, make a machine that will automatically process all your ores. I recommend RedPower and automatic crafting table mk2s if you go for the q-suit machine, cleaning up what BC pipes drop is a full-time job, and not a fun one either.

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here's a list of things to acquire:



Electric furnace

Bat box

Auto ore processor (chest-> macerator->furnace->chest)




Divining rod Mrk. II

Diamond drill

Bat Pack

Transmutation table

This should keep you busy for a full hour or so. For more long term:

Advanced machines (all of them)


nano armor

Nano saber

sorting system (I suggest Red Power)

Quantum armor

Mining laser

Nuclear Reactor

HV solar array

Energy Collectors

Anti Matter relays

Power flower


Kline star Omega (sorry if that's spelled wrong)

Alchemical Bag

Red Kattar

Red Morning Star

Swiftwolf Rendering gale

Hops (Cross breading plant)

Best of luck!

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  • 2 months later...

If you want something pest control brisbane that could be achieved sooner, make a machine that will automatically process all your ores. I recommend RedPower and automatic crafting table mk2s if you go for the q-suit machine, cleaning up what BC pipes drop is a full-time pest control gold coast job, and not a fun one either.

Idea of cleaning up BC pipes is perfect and you will be kept busy for some time :)

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