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Is there any way to convert a world from 3.1.3 to Tekkit Lite?


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Figured as much.

Next question:

What would happen if I take the enderchest storage files from my old world and put them into the new world? Would they be compatible? If so, I could just tell people "Pack your bags, we're about to arrive in a new world!" and people could put their most valuable things in an ender chest. My worry is that the Block and Item ID values might just be too different. Was any attempt made to preserve them?

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I suppose it depends what your players consider their valuables as to whether that would work, a buncha diamonds - sure, a buncha red matter... not so much for obvious reasons, but yeah some items you might end up as being completely different items when transferred over to tekkit lite, and the issue with that is you might end up with someone getting something a lot more valuable than what they had back on your old tekkit world :p

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We've been looking at switching to tekkit lite and so far the majority of our players are passionately not interested. A fresh start is a real chore on it's own, no EE to speak and the lack of natural diamonds to go around is proving an impossible sell.

@Talonos : If you have any success with this can you update ?

@Jelato : For a player coming from a sever with a 3 month time investment to a blank slate, a few higher value items is small compensation.

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