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I can`t start Tekkit Lite, Technic or Volts!



Launcher Version: 0.5.1_1.4.6

Operating System: Windows 7, Acer

Java Version: Java 64-bit

Antivirus Program: Avira antivirus Free

Description of Problem:

I can`t Launch tekkit Lite, Technic or volts mod pack, But everything else works just fine! When i try to start Tekkit Lite, Technic or Volts it just says: "Update failed". I`ll tried to use another version but that did not work ether... What did i do wrong??? Ps/ Sorry for bad english!

Error Messages:

"update failed".

Error Log:

Did not find it... 

23 answers to this question

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at least got you got an error screen..mine dosen't even boot...even after 400,000+Kilobyte's it stays as a wight screen...so i gave up on volts..I tryed tekkit light...exact same...exept got to 100,000K till its just stopped...although both go up 10-20K...per...fricken...minute...meaning it would take a howl day JUST to get to the 'mojang' title being it requires 700,000K just to get there...although tekkit...classic works...but at least it isnt the best mod on tecknic luncher, yogbox.

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to fix the problem, open the Technic Launcher then click on the Options button underneath the Login button. in the Options menu, there is a Clear Cache button that you need to click. clearing the cache pretty much just deletes the minecraft.jar file so the launcher can reinstall it with the new mods. once you've cleared the cache, choose the mod pack you want to use then login like normal and wait for the pack to download. you may need to repeat for other mod packs that you haven't installed before now, but i haven't tried to use other packs yet

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  "fredsite said:
to fix the problem, open the Technic Launcher then click on the Options button underneath the Login button. in the Options menu, there is a Clear Cache button that you need to click. clearing the cache pretty much just deletes the minecraft.jar file so the launcher can reinstall it with the new mods. once you've cleared the cache, choose the mod pack you want to use then login like normal and wait for the pack to download. you may need to repeat for other mod packs that you haven't installed before now, but i haven't tried to use other packs yet

another solution is:by:



1. goto C:Users(User)AppDataRoaming.techniclaunchertekkitlite and copy all the files.

2. goto C:Users(User)AppDataRoaming.minecraft and paste in all the files.

3. goto bin folder and right click on minecraft.jar and modpack.jar and open it with Winrar etc.

4. copy all files from modpack.jar to minecraft.jar.

5. Delete META-INF

6. start minecraft and it should work.

this work's with all mod packs, also it out-detects your ram and uses half of it/all of it according to the minecraft type you have, .jar or .exe also you'll have to have minecraft vanilla not the one on the launcher, solution found by, as said up top, Mikael2933.

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  "fredsite said:
to fix the problem, open the Technic Launcher then click on the Options button underneath the Login button. in the Options menu, there is a Clear Cache button that you need to click. clearing the cache pretty much just deletes the minecraft.jar file so the launcher can reinstall it with the new mods. once you've cleared the cache, choose the mod pack you want to use then login like normal and wait for the pack to download. you may need to repeat for other mod packs that you haven't installed before now, but i haven't tried to use other packs yet

this dont work :(

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  "shadow999999 said:
another solution is:by:



1. goto C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkitlite and copy all the files.

2. goto C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft and paste in all the files.

3. goto bin folder and right click on minecraft.jar and modpack.jar and open it with Winrar etc.

4. copy all files from modpack.jar to minecraft.jar.

5. Delete META-INF

6. start minecraft and it should work.

this work's with all mod packs, also it out-detects your ram and uses half of it/all of it according to the minecraft type you have, .jar or .exe also you'll have to have minecraft vanilla not the one on the launcher, solution found by, as said up top, Mikael2933.

but but but... it takes away your legitimate minecraft :(

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help i go on technic and when i go on one of my worlds it gets to the saving cuncks bit then my screen goes blank and i cant get on my worlds now it is so annyoing please reply quickley i really wish it wored at the moment cos i have a really nice world i need to go on to make a condencer and i was just starting to do a qurray

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  "ethan101 said:
help i go on technic and when i go on one of my worlds it gets to the saving cuncks bit then my screen goes blank and i cant get on my worlds now it is so annyoing please reply quickley i really wish it wored at the moment cos i have a really nice world i need to go on to make a condencer and i was just starting to do a qurray

on the launcher go to options then memory allocation and put it as much as it can go (or half of your ram) then it'll work because there are so many things in your world it would use up how ever much memory allocation is allowed instant, if your using m,minecraft then you will have to open it through .cmd and make it run at more memory, although this didn't work for me because it couldn't find minecraft, search you tube 'how to allocate more memory to minecraft' and try that, otherwise you will have to use the backup to go back to where not as many items and/or blocks there are.

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My tekkit lite and voltz freezes when Minecraft Forge does whatever it does in the start. I have a Windows 8 and Windows 7 and both can't run on those computers! My Windows 7 runs Minecraft forge in vanilla fine but when I use the launcher, it freezes! It's the exact same problem as these ones. Someone, fix this!

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  "xRunner_Gunnerx said:
My tekkit lite and voltz freezes when Minecraft Forge does whatever it does in the start. I have a Windows 8 and Windows 7 and both can't run on those computers! My Windows 7 runs Minecraft forge in vanilla fine but when I use the launcher, it freezes! It's the exact same problem as these ones. Someone, fix this!
btw, I cleared my cache but it still doesn't work
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  "Steve_Has_Questions said:
P.S. My Voltz won't update. Anybody know how to fix it? UPDATE: The same happens for Tekkit Lite

wont update as in when you go to options then select an option to degrade to a certain one or upgrade? If that's the case then you gonna have to surf the forums or report this prob.

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I had the same problem as the OP and found out it was my antivirus being a dick. I got it to download Tekkit Lite just fine, but Technic would give me the "Update failed!" message. I disabled my antivirus, restarted the launcher, and it worked just fine. If you're using AVG, Norton, or McAfee, try disabling it before you attempt to download the a modpack.

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  "KiraKodera said:
I had the same problem as the OP and found out it was my antivirus being a dick. I got it to download Tekkit Lite just fine, but Technic would give me the "Update failed!" message. I disabled my antivirus, restarted the launcher, and it worked just fine. If you're using AVG, Norton, or McAfee, try disabling it before you attempt to download the a modpack.

I have norton and downloading it was perfectly fine, also if you know could you be suspific of which type of norton it is, i use 360 version...being able to know which norton it is that is causing the problem would help the staff fix it being there is like 100 different products of norton.

As for your technic try putting it as a different type, the type you are trying to update to may be bugged that or its just the launcher being bugged or even...once again...your protection, if that doesn't work then try re-installing the bally launcher or find an error log which should be in the launcher folder...maybe anyway the fact that well technic is doing that happens a lot with voltz or tekkit light...never have i seen it happen to that...that or i just haven't read about it yet being i haven't been surfing the forums lately, anyway hope you or someone finds a way to fix that! (glitches are everywhere D: )

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I started my Voltz Mod, it loaded but it said: "Forge Mod loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation

You have mod sources that are duplicate in within your system

Mod ID: File Name

Mekanism: Mekanism.jar

Mekanism: Mekanism-v5.2.0.jar" How do i fix it?

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